Please look out for yourself AND your families. i love a girl! because its not secret my family knows and her sis too.. In Latin America and the Caribbean, about 1 in 4 women are married before 18. they assume witness to Allah to avoid unwanted happenings, now they are getting merried in real. OTHERWISE, IF THE girl NEVER BEEN MARRIED , THEN NEED PERMISSION FROM HER GUARDIAN, I.E. Called Nailas Law, it went into effect Saturday. Naaf, the answer to both questions is no. They lived together as a married couple until 2010 when they decided to separate. So while I am not a scholar, it certainly sounds like your marriage is valid. Did he went and said how dare you? I need some advice can I do Nikkah without telling my mum my dad is pass away my girl friend dad is pass away to she is Gujarati Muslim and am a Pakistan Muslim the problem is her mum don't like Pakistani and my mum can't stand Gujarati to. i dont want to do nikkah to get physical with her! Please register and submit your question as a separate post, and we will answer you in turn, Insha'Allah. There is NO valid nikkah without witnesses. The requirements to have a Nikah done through the Masjid are as follows: Marriage License Document. Allah Al-Mighty says: Marriage is void without wali according to Shafi'i. 5. Even though almost half of all women in South Asia aged 20-24 reported being married before the age of 18, the rates of child marriage are currently decreasing in the region. For those planning a Nikah ceremony, you likely already know that hosting this celebratory event is one that is highly regarded within the Islamic religion. I'm not sure about the new unislamic method of marriage through 'mobile', but if it exists then you need to have witnessess with you ( either 2 pious male or 4 pious female ) and your parents and your ' bf ' needs to have witnesses too. If her dad is refusing for unislamic reasons, there is a kinship line to be followed to be her wali. He has changed to align with Islam but my father doesnt trust him, My friends are all married but I cant even finish school. 1. she divorced does she need permission from her mum? It's always wrong to do the wrong thing, but it's never wrong to do the right thing. Me n my gf living in different countries once on telephone I said her i m putting my hands on holy Quran and keeping Almighty Allah in front I accept u as my wife n i did put my hands on holy Qur'an she replied me the same and said I also accept u as my husband - my question is that is such nikaah counted in Allah's eye does it valued in Islam I have already told my parents about it but her parents have not accepted that n doing her marriage with someone else. Assalamu Alaikum Allah(swt) states in Surah Al Baqarah 2:183: O ye who believe! AoA..plzz tel me ..we can do nikah orally without any written statement ..jxt by reading nikah's kalmatalso have witnessbut without the permission of parents..its just a secret nikahis it valid in islam??? because such relationships are based on respect for one another. If you require further advice, please submit a post rather than a comment. Again, make nikah rather than being in a relationship out of nikah. Child custody or support has little to do with having an official marriage license, at least in the US. Nearly 300,000 minors under the age of 18 were legally married in the U.S. from 2000 to 2018, according to a recent study. Wali has to be a senior male member within her family. Two adult (baligh) male Muslim witnesses. Examples of a Wali include father, brother, son, paternal uncle, grandfather, etc. The temporary marriage, or nikah mut'ah, is an ancient Islamic practice that unites man and woman as husband and wife for a limited time. People need to be very careful, the Companions were very careful when they gave out advice or gave a judgement. However, with society being what it is, you may have to continuously swear by Allah that you are indeed lawfully married and just living with the person who is now your partner. This question has been asked so many times, and the answer will always be NO you can't. May Allah SWT bless your union. BCz he Another thing to remember? Aamir, a qadi is not necessary. I have also noted the issue of the presence of the two witnesses. girl was in some other room of the same university. Yes, you can get married without a marriage license. The Mahr is an obligatory gift from the groom to the bride, that the bride or her family can request. O Allaah, if in Your knowledge, this matter (then it should be mentioned by name) is good for me both in this world and in the Hereafter and in my religion, my livelihood and my affairs, then ordain it for me, make it easy for me, and bless it for me. In this case, as far as Islam is . my gf accpet islam she is divorce hindu guy some time ago she will maary me and your father hindu wali without permission valid nikah can i do without withness nikah pls guide me easy maarage. The contract itself is known as nikah. The form of Nikah Nama, the registers to be maintained by Nikah Registrars, the recorders to be preserved by Union Councils, the manner in which marriage shall be registered and copies of Nikah Nama shall be supplied to the parties, and the fees to be charged, therefore, shall be such as maybe prescribed. In fact, Allah tells us in the Quran to follow a bad deed with a good one. I want to ask is it OK to write a paper to say that we got married and we care about each other and also then we can officially get married in our country when we go there? If you have done nothing haram then why can't you get married properly? May you have a very blessed Ramadan. Or else CRY for the condition you brought yourself in the hereafter and I feel sorry for you sister. IF WOMAN IS DIVORCED NO NEED ANY WITNESS AND CAN MARY HERSELF TO A MUSLIM MAN I am only quoting what I hve heard I do not have any refrence from Hadees or Quran for this. Allah's Messenger (saws) said, "A woman may not give another woman in marriage, nor may she give herself in marriage; for the immoral woman is the one who gives herself in marriage. Due to many family issues I put pressure on my family and they finally agreed to let us Mary. zobia, wa alaykum as-salam. Both of you need to tell your parents that you want to marry. There is no such thing as secret or double Nikkah in Islam. You should not be having intimate contact with your fiance. Nikah is marriage. the marriage took place without the knowledge of the walis of both parties. JazakumAllau khair for all the sincere advice. No one will be able to advise you without knowing all the aspects- like whether or not he is Muslim, whether your family is accepting, etc. I did nikah with my gf on phone without any qazi or witnesses.. is it a valid marriage if we both recognize husband and wife heartly Such minors, more likely girls than boys, are often forced into marriage because of socioeconomic factors by families who want to minimize their economic burden or earn income as a result of the marriage, according to UNICEF. In order for a marriage to be valid , there must be agreement from both parties, and the presence of the woman's wali (guardian) and two Muslim witnesses of good character, and there should be no impediments in the case of either partner. That time when I met her she told me whole her story , after that I explain her i did nikah with my bf just bcz i dnt like bf n gf type reltaionx n they are not allowed in islam.. The signing of the contract is what makes the marriage legal according to civil and religious law. (Remainder of question has been removed. We all know this, yet everyone is happy giving their 2 bit. Both my beloved sisters be happy because Allah swt loves you thats why His made you aware of your actions otherwise He could have let you go astry but it is only out of His mercy Alhamdulillah!!! 4. Thereafter it is up to the couple now married and in the state of nikah to uphold the precepts of din in every aspect of life. Cuomo signed legislation in New York in 2017 that raised the age of consent to marry from 14 to 18,. Because of the pandemic, Amin saw the proposed bill start to slip through the cracks., I emailed every Assembly member and every senator in New York state with my story and said please support this bill, Amin said. Nikah with a non muslim is HARAM ( FORBIDDEN ), astaghfirullah sister, inna lillahi wa inna ilaihi raji'oon. Well Nikah is complete marriage - not merely engagement - and the waleema is strongly recommended. As we only had imam and one witness. Go to your nearest city hall. Islam Q&A, Registering marriage officially in Do both the bride and groom have to agree to get married or can someone agree on the brides behalf? It sounds like those conditions were met. I want to ask with two witnesses, Imam and maher will the nikah be valid in certain sense? Aziz, what you have done is NOT a valid nikah and you are not married. well at last we decided to do marriage secretly . A man is RESPONSIBLE for you - a secret nikah, is NOT valid, and is no different than the mutaa ect being practiced in the name of Islam in Egypt etc. I want to avoid adultery. Also, the payment of mahr from the groom to the bride, and publicizing the marriage (with a waleemah). However, my mother does not agree because he is of mixed race but my father agrees. The survivor-led organization provides free legal and social services to help individuals resist or escape. There is no barakah to hide it or not involve the two people who bought you up. As per I know it's still not allowed because girls need wali. Editor. . You will also receive a Marriage Certificate. Youre getting married, congratulations! Seems like everyone wants to do nikaah now a days in order to have legal sex, really is that what nikah all about ? And we don't find any muslim person over there I read nikkah my self and offer If a marriage license was obtained, and Imam performed the Nikah, it is almost guaranteed the marriage was registered. You have power, I have none. How can I be a better Muslim? This is also needed for a marriage to be valid. And You know, I know not. Presence of Wali is a must for girl, otherwise such marriage is not recognized in Islam unless Wali refuses the marriage for non-Islamic reason. There are no exceptions to this, and no scholar has given a fatwa contrary to this. You will also receive a Marriage Certificate 2. rafaqat, please submit your question as a separate post. can anyone advise as i really require help with my problem. The couple have made it clear that they want to marry as they do no want to prolong their relationship outside nikah and they have even observed istikharah to seek guidance from Allah as to whether the other is the appropriate person to take as a life partner. Engagement is celebrated between two families with functions regularly done in engagements. Based on this, if you agree to do the marriage in the manner described above, and on the basis that you will delay the registration and documentation until you go back to your country or until it becomes easier for you to go to an Islamic center, then there is nothing wrong with that. I was confused actually my aunty said u are married infact i asked it from my Shariah and law Dean who is from Saudia.. (You will have to provide the necessary identification and pay a fee for the application). if you are descreet about it then it is not marriage. The Womens Refuge Commission says South Asian families force their daughters into child marriage as it is perceived to be the best means to provide economic and physical security. Ring as mahhar and I ask her 3 time (qabul)which she accepts. but witnesses was not my side. like, can it be my cousins? Purchase the marriage license from any city hall in Ontario (Please keep in mind that it expires, 3 months from the date of purchase). Can't deny it, but if you want, Islam allows you to marry and can keep ALLAH as your witness. Examples of a Wali include father, brother, son, paternal uncle, grandfather, etc. If all of what I described above applies to your case your marriage is valid. 1. I can tell you now that there is no way you can marry this guy unless he converts to Islam. Cuz wali ka koi haq ni banta .. ye recommended tu ho sakta hai lekin obligation kabhi b ni a. Nikah ka right sirf krnay walay ka hota a. Slam.i had done nikah withoiut witneses..someone told my husband that it is valid whn we do nikah in the witness of Allah..we made Allah as a wiutness coz iur family doesnot know about our relationship..n i dont want to do zinna..we r in relationship for last one then i came to know tht it is not valid? Missh, I would tell you to log in and write your question as a separate post, but I can tell you right now that we cannot answer your question. Allah will not suffice as "the witness" if two human beings cannot be present, and that's probably why you won't find any hadith/ayats supporting the view you've heard. we both tried 3 years to convince our families If you can do it in Ramadan, you can do through the year aswell. Alcohol, on the other hand, is forbidden in Islam so alcoholic drinks are rarely (if ever) served at any Muslim event. the thing is that we know it that parents wont agree on this! nikkah is an agreement b/w bride and groom,and for any agrement it is stated in QURAN that there must b some witness,now wiitness could be a piece of paper of agrement,which contain information of agrement,bieng specific for nikkah piece of a paper in which details of both bride n groom must b written,both should accept these details and no 1 should deny after some time How many witnesses do I need for me and my bride ? The hadith literature have to be noted in context. The practice is technically still legal in 44 U.S. states, as most allow marriage before 18. mujib, read the answers given on the post. L'enregistrement des naissances, des mariages et des dcs relve de la juridiction provinciale et territoriale. The Nikah is a religious ceremony for a Muslim couple to be legally wed under Islamic law, and is when the couple officially says I accept. Its a Prophetic tradition and the only permissible way that a man and woman can be married. Not just anyone can act as one because her family wants to reject you. not on Sundays or holidays). Here's one hadith- Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: There is no marriage except with a wali and two witnesses of good character.. . This does not count as Nikah. Once you obtain the marriage license and fulfill the above-mentioned requirements contact the Masjid or Imam to arrange an appointment for the Nikah. Me as my wife . My problem is that I havnt seen my dad for 10year n my mum doesn't want to be a witness same with my brothers what can I do help me. most men divorce after they get bored with their wives. I would agree with Br Wael that you should read the advice already given, as it seems very relevant to your situation. To answer the one question posed by most people, is the nikah valid? The fact that Amin was still technically a ward of the foster care system in the U.S. saved her life. or nikkah wdout witnesses ?? The wali would normally be her father. It's typically a lump sum of money that the bride chooses, but the bride can ask for a trip, gold, or anything else she wishes. Yes, it is free. In that case, the Wali (the father of the bride) can accept the Nikah and marriage contract on behalf of the bride. And if one finds themself having to do nikah without witnesses, then there is more than likely something hugely immoral about the whole thing. Good point about Allah being the only witness. if they are consistently refusing proposals for un-Islamic reasons, if they are abusing you - may Allah protect us from such acts). Sister Sara shared with us the following: As far as I know, one of the conditions of a valid marriage is that it must be done openly. AOA ! It's incorrect. We sign and submit the marriage license with the state for you. i understand where you are coming from but what would you advise the sister to do if she is having difficulty in preventing her from commiting zina with her boyfriend? This situation is exactly the type in which one needs to practice 'sabr/patience'. Please see the steps below to book services: Make bookings - for either Nikah services or to use the facility (or both) by calling 416-264-3900. Paper slips will be mailed between February 1 and February 10, 2023. Its also wise to have a small table nearby to use for signing the marriage document, as well as for sweets to pass out immediately after the ceremony. Imagine you found out one-off your parents may have had one in past before you! Imam Malik has said that for a Nikah the declaration is the condition not witnesses. For a marriage to be valid certain conditions must be met: 1) Consent of both parties. Nikah is a religious ceremony that declares and announces a Muslim couple legally wed under Islamic Law. I have actually came across a book of Maulana Ashraf Ali Thanvi Rahmatullah Alaihi, on the website Hey bro .. May i know what are those certain obligations and rights on spouses according to islam after irregular marriage ?? Jaza kumula khair. Nope you are not married. That's what Allah want you to do. ?what should i do know?what is its kafaraa?? The girl's elder sister is not married so her family thought it would look odd if they do nikah of their younger daughter. How would you feel? I want to ask that if parents of girl were agreed for marrying and in place nikha done before marriage with 2 witness and nikha khaw but nikha done on phone and with Haq Mehar also but parents of lady were not informed and invited. Making any judgements without the correct knowledge or even with the right knowledge but no qualification is a major sin. Any suggestions would be appreciated! dowry she wanted a gold ring i gave and i said to her forgive me i will give your mohr slowly Read the advice already given. There's a lot of Muslim not considering the Nikkah as the real marriage. Dowry (Mahr). Women don't! Le Directeur de l'tat civil du Qubec les verse BAnQ aprs 100 ans, permettant ainsi l'institution de les numriser et de les mettre en ligne, au rythme de leur arrive. Or anything like that times have changed. The younger party was a girl in 95 percent of the petitions. People need to get that out of their head that this is a Muslim issue because its not. A believing slave is better that a polytheist even though the latter may please you . You will be contacted to confirm the date and time as well as be directed for payment. The Mahr is also symbolic of the responsibility the man has for providing for and taking care of his wife. In so doing, the nikah will be valid.'' There is no secret marriage in Islam. The city of Ottawa is open once again for marriage licenses, but on appointment basis. Maya Brown is an associate social newsgathering reporter for NBC News. No dresses, no 3 day party extravaganza, no over the top sets of gold, no gifts for family members and none of the hoopla normally associated with weddings in my husband's culture or mine here in the west. Secret marriages are not advised. I deleted your question because you need to register and submit it as a separate post, which we will answer in turn, Insha'Allah. i wanna ask if we are married or not? He said it is valid bcx u have witnesses of ur aunty her husband ur 2 male cxns also ur sis knows about ur nikah but i was confused thats y i ask it from u.. Islam forbids a woman to get married without a wali (guardian), and it regards a marriage contract done without a wali as invalid. One simple question for you - ask your heart honestly: How would you feel if a man wanted such a relationship with your sister? ", and also "Unbelievers do (but) beckon you to the Fire" [Al Baqarah]. Take responsibility for your own behavior and do not say, "we can't stop". Cant this type if ikah made prblm for the real one We tried to convince our parents for Nikah, but all those society things came between. mr. saf, what do you mean, "the islamic engagement is completely marriage." firdous, please register and submit your question as a separate post in English, thanks. AAPI Couples On Celebrating Their Love and Traditions at Their Weddings, How to Plan a Destination Wedding on a Budget, 17 Traditional Wedding Vows to Inspire Your Own, 8 Sample Wedding Ceremony Scripts To Borrow for Your 2022 Wedding, How to Perform and Officiate a Wedding Ceremony, The Ultimate Guide to Renewing Your Wedding Vows, Marriage Certificates and Licenses: Everything to Know. Depending on your family and culture, the type of food may vary. Just tell me the minimum requirements of nikah.because my dad is n0t my m0m,and m0m dad of the bride are agree.can we d0 a secret nikah,like n0 cr0wd.just me,my m0m and bride with her m0m dad and her 2 sis with their husbands.and 2 or 3 friends of a m0lvi is must?or a nikah nama?or is it imp0rtant to get the qazi of y0ur own area? Your email address will not be published. Have respect for your body that Allah gave you. 2. There are however Hadith reports in which he (s) encouraged marriage to virgins. Can imam have his witnesses over the phone if we can't find any witnesses? Its American, Amin said. salih, you are mistaken. Males do not need anyone's permission to marry. So start regretting and repenting. The dowry should be discussed and agreed upon by both parties before the Nikah ceremony to avoid dispute and misunderstandings. And she searching the muslim places mia, nikah has certain conditions, the most important of which are mutual consent of the bride and groom, the presence of the bride's wali, the presence of at least two witnesses. If the father is deceased or there is some reason that he cannot walk her down the aisle, so to say, then another male guardian or relative can take on that role. I want to marry a widow women we have seen each other.we both love each other .is nikah can be done without any witness .except Allah swt as hazir nazir .reply. Both the groom and the bride are to consent to the marriage of their own free wills. The OMA offers an array of marriage dispute resolution options. If you need further advice please register and submit your question as a separate post. I will have a look into it further. Nikah halala (Urdu: ), also known as tahleel marriage, is a practice in which a woman, after being divorced by triple talaq, marries another man, consummates the marriage, and gets divorced again in order to be able to remarry her former husband. About a year later, she returned to the U.S. and once her parents found out she had started a relationship there, they beat her. here in this book moulana said ''If both the man and woman are mature, they can perform their own nikah.
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