Cutting edge political science research shows that canvassing is one of the most effective tactics in an activists arsenal (to read more about this, check out Deep Canvassing 101). Her passion for social justice and teambuilding began in the woods of Timber, Oregon, where her family built a large community home around the core value of radical acceptance. Another a tattooed student who identifies as gender-nonconforming proudly recalled persuading a voter who clearly had no experience with anyone who identified as being outside the gender binary. What do social scientists know about reducing prejudice in the world? Im with Black Lives Matter, and I know a lot of trans people, the woman told Riley. Were just beginning to learn how to do this well, but its important. One way you could think about our study is as an effort to try to use the insights of lab studies in real-world settings, he says. It has taught me patience, and taught me to see people from the most positive view that I can.. David directs the Leadership Lab at the Los Angeles LGBT Center. It likely wasnt because someone berated you. Its this nonjudgmental exchanging of narratives that Broockman and Kalla think is the key ingredient in how deep canvassing works. I would totally vote in favor, the woman says of a transgender protection law. Over the last eight years, and through more than 12,000 conversations, The Leadership LAB has developed a new kind of persuasion they call deep canvassing. Both were on display during many of the canvass conversations I observed, including the one with Nancy, the woman who moved to a five from a 10 after watching the opposition video. Previous research, though, including a study of teenagers in an Outward Bound program assigned to either mixed-race or all-white groups, suggested that lasting prejudice reduction happened after weeks of regular contact. Google Pay. He also helped lead a second Deep Canvass operation in three states in 2021 during the federal immigration debate. He and LGBT Center volunteers began talking to as many people as they could, trying to understand why they lost Prop 8. One group aired a lurid television ad of a man following a frightened, wide-eyed young girl into a bathroom stall. The Leadership LAB of the Los Angeles LGBT Center trains people in canvassing techniques aimed at reducing prejudice. Eager to know if his abortion canvassing was persuasive, Fleischer asked Broockman and Kalla to measure it. Theres no difference regarding who you can speak with in a deep canvass. Thats likely a lot of people. (Its hard, he adds, to directly compare the two papers, though, since the 2016 effort focused a bit more on combating prejudice, and this one more so on policy. He was thinking as if trans kids don't have all the other things kids have to deal with on top of being transgender," Williams says. Green was skeptical that the canvassers were as persuasive as they thought they were. Over a 2-hour shift, our volunteers will complete an average of 5 conversations. So the research suggests that deep canvassing works. Broockman and Kalla found that the treatment group was considerably more accepting of transgender people and that a single, approximately 10-minute conversation with a stranger can markedly reduce prejudice for at least three months. Unlike LaCours invented finding that the messenger matters more than the message, Broockman and Kalla found that both transgender and nontransgender canvassers were effective. After the dust settled, Broockman and Kalla went on with their experiment on transgender prejudices. Dates: March 31 from 1:00-2:00 PM EST and April 7 from 1:00-2:00 PM EST. Long Form Canvas, Knocking on a strangers door is scary, and a lot of that mornings training session was spent boosting the confidence of first-time canvassers. Volunteer's go door-to-door, talking to strangers, and often change their attitudes about things like same-sex marriage and transgender rights. In these, researchers included conditions to see whether the conversations could work if conducted over the phone (they did, but it was slightly less effective). Toward the end of the conversation, the canvasser nudges the voter into thinking about how that experience can relate to the plight of transgender people. An excellent introduction to deep canvassing and the work of the Leadership LAB can be found in an April 2016 feature article in the New York Times Magazine: How Do You Change Voters Minds? Matthew Rodriguez Matthew is an organizer from El Paso who believes the only way we fight against the systems of oppression is by building collective power. groups argued that transgender people (or those pretending to be) would pose a threat to children in public restrooms. Do you have a script? In 2018, Kalla and Broockman published a meta-analysis of 49 experiments that were designed to test whether voters are persuadable by conventional means: phone calls, television ads, traditional canvassing, and so on. Her passion for social justice and teambuilding began in the woods of Timber, Oregon, where her family built a large community home around the core value of radical acceptance. Specifically, the canvasser asks the voter to recall a time when he or she was discriminated against. Door to Door, At Vox, we believe that everyone deserves access to information that helps them understand and shape the world they live in. Topping and dozens of other canvassers were a part of that 2016 effort. Though there was currently no ballot measure in Los Angeles to worry about, there was a palpable urgency to the Leadership Labs work. But even if that happens, he says, it at least will encourage people to think deeply about the issues they're going to vote on. Sample Scripts for Deep Canvassing: Signature Gathering and Voter Research, CallHub, 2022 (Online article). Though not all voters would engage emotionally, I was surprised by how many did. Though Fleischer thought his new approach was working, he wanted to know whether the persuasion lasted. I dont like seeing people mistreat Jackson. The canvassers role is primarily to listen, to build trust and then to have a respectful conversation about areas where both parties may disagree. Most notably, Ella led the LABs collaboration with SAVE, Miami-Dades leading LGBT group, to develop and measure a deep canvass model that could reduce transphobia. In it, canvassers in three areas central Tennessee; Fresno, California; and Orange County, California went door to door and interacted with 2,374 voters in these communities during the runup to the 2018 midterm elections. Which is to say: Republicans assume Democrats dislike them more than they actually do, and vice versa. "That was a real shock," he says. Does this give us any guidance on how to talk to folks we dont agree with? Now we can show experimentally that when you take away the two-way nature of the conversation, the effects go away, Broockman says. Its about sharing and listening, all the while nudging people to be analytical and think about their shared humanity with marginalized groups. Yeah, I would say so, she said. One canvasser stood up and spoke of moving a man to a seven from a three. But how does it work? Everyone basically ignored the canvassing aspect, and that the message and the quality of the conversation at the door is what seems to matter.. In this conversation, recorded in March 2016, a Leadership LAB volunteer speaks with a voter in Los Angeles about including transgender people in non-discrimination laws using the same approach that was studied by Broockman and Kalla in Miami in 2015. He began by sharing his experience of losing the 2008 California marriage equality referendum campaign, which led David and his Leadership Lab colleagues to develop the deep canvassing approach to determine why people were susceptible to the anti-marriage equality campaign. Mike LaCour had not assembled [it]. In many campaigns, polling data and focus groups tell us that very few people are persuadable, so we ignore those voters and stick with talking to the voters who are already on our side. First, theres the magnitude of the impact. Cost: $50 for both sessions (These methods may make it easier to scale up in a bigger campaign.). The group goes out canvassing in pairs, with one person assigned the role of trying to change people's minds and the other responsible for recording it on camera. She seemed to be connecting Jacksons experience to that of her gay friends. Could it be used to wage conservative culture wars? Three months after the canvass, Broockman asked participants to fill out the survey again. It is a landmark study, according to Elizabeth Paluck, a psychologist at Princeton University who was not involved with the work. Some folks may have a crucifix on the door. Eventually, the canvassers tried eliciting more emotional experiences. In the runup, conservative news outlets were blaring headlines about a scary immigrant caravan marching north through Mexico to the US southern border. Studies on deep canvassing suggest a conversion rate of 10%. To get Nancy to a true 10 capable of withstanding opposition messaging, Fleischer needed to help her tap into her own empathy and connect emotionally to transgender people.. But when pressed, LaCour couldnt produce any evidence that he had conducted the follow-up surveys of voters that would have been essential to measuring canvassings long-term influence. You can also contribute via. What we can now say experimentally, the key to the success of these conversations is doing the exact opposite of that.. The payoffs are small and incremental, but they are real. Have a Conversation, We have a national reputation for our success developing practical, positive, non-partisan, non-judgmental ways to connect with voters. David Broockman and Josh Kallas measurement of this projects impact become the landmark study that brought deep canvassing into the national spotlight, proving that it had the power to lastingly reduce prejudice. When I asked how her day went, she shook her head and recounted a series of disheartening conversations with voters she couldnt persuade. I know it exists, and I hear stories, and I see them on TV. At the door, Fleischer asked Nancy if she knew any transgender people. She recounted that when Jie was 3, the toddler responded to a question about possible Christmas presents by asking: Could Santa turn a girl into a boy?, Rileys devotion to Jie had a visible impact on several voters, including the mother of a 7-year-old girl. (This definition is sourced from The New Conversation Initiative). found to be successful at reducing transgender prejudice. Tennessee and the Central Valley have been the sites of large-scale workplace raids by ICE [Immigration and Customs Enforcement] in recent years, she says, and various cities in Orange County have attempted to opt out of the California Values Act. Thats a state law that limits the collaboration between local law enforcement and federal immigration enforcement. Still, Fleischer isnt ready to give up. Is this the first time youve thought about transgender people? Fleischer asked her soon after she backtracked. Its just not easy. Fleischer began getting the sense that just talking and listening to people was making them more accepting of same-sex marriage. He and his colleagues started the effort in 2009, shortly after the Prop 8 constitutional amendment and struck down same-sex marriage in California. hide caption. What an African-American person has faced because of their race is not the same as the discrimination that Ive faced for being bisexual, or that my friend has faced for being transgender, she told the group. He called everyone involved with the work and every reporter who had covered the study. I asked Steve Deline what he thought. Because abortion is such a politically polarized issue, he said, it could just be that we have to get better at making voters trust us and open up. But it could also be that the Leadership Labs transgender canvassing success is an anomaly. The fight to make it harder for landlords to evict their tenants. You can also go more in-depth on the science behind deep canvassing by reading the academic study referenced by the New York Times that was published by political scientists David Broockman and Josh Kalla in the peer-reviewed journal Science. Or for issues like the acceptance of genetically modified foods? What are the drawbacks of this method? They urged voters to talk about anyone they knew who was gay or lesbian and, more important, to speak about their own marriages. "The LGBT community and our allies were shocked and upset," Fleischer says. "[That's] the moment I backed away from my monitor and said, 'Wow, something's really unique here,' " he says. Over the last six years, Fleischers unorthodox canvassing technique has attracted the attention of social scientists, liberal groups and even presidential-campaign consultants. Volunteers working a 2-hour shift, on an average, can complete 5 conversations. As part of the LA LGBT Centers groundbreaking Leadership LAB team, he helped create the original deep canvass approach. The effort helped defeat the anti-L.G.B.T. I think in todays world, many communities have a call-out culture, says David Broockman, a UC Berkeley political scientist who has run these experiments with Josh Kalla, a political scientist at Yale University. "There were all these volunteers who gave their Saturdays [to do the experiment]," Broockman says. Note: One needs to login/become a member to access webinar. But why? The goal is to share personal stories about times when the voter and the canvasser felt attacked or discriminated against, says Nancy Williams, a volunteer canvasser with the LGBT Center. You've probably noticed this if you've ever tried to change someone's political opinion at a dinner party. I wasnt sure she would return; the last two voters hed met pleaded busyness. After the canvass, the groups filled out four follow-up surveys, up to three months later. Center, which houses the Leadership Lab, and proposed an unusual idea to his new colleagues: Canvassers should talk to Prop 8 supporters about why they had voted against same-sex marriage. To combat that, canvassers tried to get voters to reflect about challenging decisions they had made in their own sex lives or relationships or times they were judged harshly. The technique also raises empathy in canvassers, who . But many times this approach underestimates whos persuadable. Without in-person, full-time, paid organizers running all aspects of the operation, we are piloting a canvass model that is lightweight, easier to learn via online training, and depends on peer-to-peer coaching, encouragement and knowledge sharing among volunteer hosts, canvassers and support team members. You will also need a team of at least three full-time organizers, which is the majority of the budget, and you need a dedicated team of volunteers (ideally 200 or so).
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