Even so, we do renew our covenants on a regular basis by means of an ordinance pertaining to the Aaronic Priesthood. Open House - April 29, 2023 - May 13, 2023. Then again I may not. The Mormon Temple Endowment Ceremony - Mormons in Transition If they had happened 10 years ago, when I was regularly attending each month, they would have had more of a positive impact. We'll be going over the basics of this ceremony, and some of the exalted meaning that we can draw from it. Temple Ceremony / Masonry | Mormon Stories LDS Church changes policy about civil ceremonies and temple . Updated July 16, 2021 A selection of temple from around the world where new temple presidents and matrons have been called to serve, beginning in August of 2021. Maybe it got throughhence the cover up. My great grand mother who I knew personally was the daughter of a polygamist who had 4 families. . Jesus said there was nothing else needed. Men expect that, when a woman doesnt give in and defer she can be seen as broken, wrong or even sinful. What major changes happened in the Church in 2021? Take a - LDS Living Get on board or dont, its happening! FIRST PRESIDENCY'S STATEMENT: Since the temple Endowment was first administered in this dispensation, minor changes have been made from time to time by the First Presidency and Council of the Twelve, acting unitedly in their capacity as Prophets, Seers and Revelators. Were thrilled that the Churchs historic sites will be open to visitors this summer, Church Historian and Recorder Elder LeGrand R. Curtis Jr. of the Seventy told Newsroom. Interesting discussion with linking Jewish symbolism to temple ritual. It was a whole different way of seeing women and family before the strong focus on the nuclear family and church correlation in the 1920s. Download a photo or video by clicking or tapping on it. For me personally, however, the greatest evidence that Joseph was tuned into the ancient Israelite temple, is his tactful coordination of the first temple ordinances, directly with the Hebrew calendar and the ancient Israelite Festivals (King, Calendar, and Covenant: Joseph Smith, Restored Temple Ordinances, and Israelite Temple Festivals https://academia.edu/resource/work/94819636). First Presidency announces changes to temple endowment ceremony, citing Some clarification about that would help. You may have heard that the LDS Temple ceremony changed to (1) provide an explanation of five temple covenants before people agree to continue, (2) show pictures of Jesus, (3) eliminate the roles of the witness couple, (4) change it so that certain elements are only shown on screen, not performed during the ceremony, until the end (which I The woman is veiled within the stewardship of the man as a matter of protecting and navigating sacred space. What does this even mean? Angela, Ive had the same experience as Georgis during temple day while at the MTC. His deep concern for children and youth must continue to be our deep concern.. You also might note that women are no longer veiled in the temple. The point isnt how well they treat us. 6) No effect. Re: The Law of Obedience: I wouldnt get too fussy over the seeming double talkits just one of those things. The prophet prayed to seek revelation about it and change was made. It might look nice visually. It is a manmade construct. And in so doing she received knowledge that she was not able to live up toknowledge having to do with the mystery of Godliness (IMO). And to pollinate, a wasp enters the fruit, loosing its heavenly wings upon entrance and unable to escape: the wasps dead body pollinates the flower inside the fruit. If you went through the temple for the first time during a different iteration of the endowment, which covenants did you make? Some might like a different symbolism where sins are removed. What a totally different culture. Those missionaries who choose not to receive the required immunizations, which will now include the COVID-19 vaccination, will be assigned to a mission in their home country in accordance with existing Church policies.. That said, I believe that wearing the apron at the adversarys behest is not unlike Eve partaking of the fruit. Its the same with Adam and Eve. The Quorum of the Twelve Apostles, the Presidency of the Seventy, and the Area Presidency determine the need for the advisers. First of all, plural marriage is a *form* of polygamy, but is not exactly the same; and secondly, while it is a *part* of the new and everlasting covenant, it has never been equivalent to it. I bought a wedding dress with sheer sleeves, not knowing it was a little unacceptable. The fact that I dont care after spending so many years scrutinizing every single word and motion and symbol in the temple is probably the most significant thing to me about the change. What do you think motivated these changes? For anyone who hasnt been to the temple since COVID, the all the handshakes with everyone in the session have been eliminated (less germ spread is a good thing). Most of us havent. The church wants to believe women are equal to men in our faith. He welcomed them into His presence and gave stern warnings against abusing, bullying, or hurting them in any way. @Elisa I think I read that in the sealing part that husband and wife now give themselves to each other. Remember the oft repeated verse from Moses 1: 39 For behold, this is my work and my gloryto bring to pass the immortality and eternal life of man. Ive heard so many stories, first hand, from people who felt they were not adequately prepared. Watch or Read Inspiring Messages about Jesus Christ - Talks Available. I did not expect the overall reverence that you feel just when you walk in the door. Really appreciate the honesty here as well as the respect for what others find sacred and meaningful. I havent gone to the temple in years, so Im not affected by these changes, but Im extremely skeptical that theyve resolved the sexism. These changes may not seem like much, but consider that we are only one generation removed from temple ceremonies that consisted of mock ritual suicide and inappropriate touching. And so the apron is a symbol of our imperfection. The Church's announcement emphasizes how much more efficient the renovated temples are going to be. Boredom has been another top issue that I have with the temple. I felt weird. Im sure there were a number of reasons for the various changes. In a major change, LDS Church . Thats a fun quip. Joseph started giving the endowment to a select few as he introduced them to being given spiritual wives. 6) As for seeing a greater contingency of non-temple Saints in my circles, that may be true, but Im not sure were not making space for them.Is there something that makes you think we arent? When I attended the temple recently I was asked to witness a sealing. I am the descendant of Matilda and John Douglas. Turns out there was a meaning and it wasnt a nice one. Project manager Joshua Rich told Newsroom, Our hope is that this app provides an opportunity for kids to really step up and be able to learn and explore, and in some instances, even teach their families. In fact thats one of the things we learn in the templewe cant just ascend willy-nilly. I really appreciate it! I have to give the church some points for trying to respond to criticisms about the temple regarding informed consent and sexism. The Kirkland Temple wasnt used the same way as our temples are now used for example. Learn more about senior service missionary opportunities at Newsroom. How interesting for you to have had that direct experience with Masonic ritual! Im at the point of believing that these secret/sacred rituals were only developed to keep a lid on JSs polygamy, for which I have such abhorrence and strongly believe its not from God. My understanding of the 2020 changes is that they happened because the director of the new temple movies was arrested for child sexual abuse. To learn more about why and how the ceremonial clothing was redesigned and information about purchasing, altering, discarding and donating temple clothing, see Ceremonial Clothing FAQs on store.churchofjesuschrist.org. The temple instructions simply reiterate the order of the family: each wife is to hearken to her husband as he hearkens to the Father. To me, that seems pretty simple: if your husband doesnt hearken to Father, you shouldnt hearken to him; and if he does hearken to Father, hes making you a full partner in all decision-making, anyway. Originally planned to have a final run in 2021, the Hill Cumorah Pageant was canceled due to the pandemic. In Judaism, the emphasis of covenant is kinship, and the central metaphor is marriage, unity, at-one-ment. Watch the Hill Cumorah Pageant at ChurchofJesusChrist.org. One full year has passed since their confirmation. Hence all the excitement. Some plausible explanations are (1) minimize germ-spread (consistent with the 2020 changes); (2) reduce the number of workers required to run a session; (3) attempt to address issues of informed consent by explaining the covenants prior to beginning (temple prep seems a better option for this, because it would still be really awkward to get up and leave in front of friends and family your first time); and (4) trying to seem more Christian (ok that was snarky, I imagine it is a sincere effort to make Christ more central to the ceremony). My experience was antithetical to that sentiment by comparison. As far as I can tell, the temple ceremony is something Joseph Smith came up with, after becoming a Mason, and he used it as a loyalty test for followers and a way to launder his secret plural marriages. But if you could get past that (and I understand many couldnt), there was actually something quite beautiful as a woman to receive a kind of literal blessing and anointing by another woman. In the past there have been times when Ive been distracted, frustrated, and questioned all sorts of things with the temple ceremony. Why not expend the same energy trying to convince people committing crimes not to harm others? Its an interesting acceleration that matches the explosion of Latter-day Saint temple building during church President Russell M. Nelsons administration. I went to the temple this year for the first time in some years. My recommend lapsed during COVID, and I no longer attend church. @Angela, yep. Eve, for example, has a new line in which she talks about the blessings Latter-day Saints will receive if they are obedient. Re: The Law of the Gospel conflating covenant and ordinance: All covenants are established through ordinancesthough not every ordinance is utilized to establish a covenant. With that in mind, when what consider that which is most sacred above all it should be obvious why the woman is at the fulcrum of eternitythe center. For some reason I thought that was in 2019. Back then sisters gave blessings of healing. Required fields are marked *. This explaining of the symbolic meaning in the temple ceremony is something the church has been refusing to do, which sometimes causes offense when people apply a negative meaning instead of a positive one. Even so, I would say that complimentary relationships can be considered doctrinaldepending on how we define doctrine, that is. Those who wish to apply as a senior service missionary or as a senior missionary can do so at SeniorMissionary.ChurchofJesusChrist.org. Because they were initially instructed by the adversary to wear the apronthat shouldnt be taken to mean that its forever wrong to wear it. When reporting about The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, please use the complete name of the Church in the first reference. (That isnt stopping me from blogging about them, I guess, but Im just doing my journalistic duty here!) Still, I did it and felt pressured and hypocritical. The motions of how my life would be taken if I revealed anything was just so cultish. First of all, no, I meant what I said about the Churchs misandry. Are you seeing a greater contingency of non-temple Mormons in your circles? So I guess what this leaves me with is a series of questions Ill leave it to our insightful readers to discuss. The current church hierarchy favoring men has negative effects on both men and women, as your story illustrates. Thank you for educating me. All positive changes. Omission: no reply to specific questions directly addressed to your claims. A couple comments for example: Youre agreeing to not ever discuss the weirdness of what you see with anyone. That is a tragedy and frankly a cultural problem. Youre entering a very secret club with its own clothing, customs, social norms, and hierarchy, even giving up your own life if necessary, to the building up of the kingdom of god. Sure, it *could* be, but it shouldnt be the default assumption. I love to follow Jesus Christ and study his gospel. It was shocking and unexpected for me when I had to promise to obey my husband that I hadnt yet met, before my mission. It doesnt address any significant issue that anyone has with the temple. Our lives and our family have been irrevocably changed due to his misuse of Priesthood authority, and I fully recognize that. And as such, it is a symbol that is charged with profound meaning when considered within the context of temple theology. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. What are the certain elements. I think the three primary objectives will be focusing on first [is] the idea that the global church needs a global choir, and that means seeking larger, more global audiences. Here is a great list of ways that LDS women are excluded / marginalized at Church (plus a celebration of some of the progress that has been made! Baptism for the Dead, gender equity, patriarchy, Temple. Even when I barely allude to those differences Im labelled a sexist. No reconciliation. For you to say the early General Authorities were misandrist doesnt make sense so I am guessing you were trying to say they were prejudiced against women. My hometown has a large Masonic Lodge and many men in the community were active in Freemasonry at that time. Ive long complained that in the narrative of the endowment, Christ is at best a minor character who does little more than delegate instructions. LDS Church changes policy about civil ceremonies and temple sealings Of course not, but we see things as we see them, and his perceptions are every bit as valid as yours. God decides to send his son. I remain steadfastly on my side, but Ive learned a lot and developed some respect for other view points by hanging around a bit here at W and T. Travis, I appreciate the effort at improving informed consent, and making the whole experience somewhat less coercive by explaining the covenants up front. Encouragements to come back to the temple. They feel a desire to receive and honor sacred temple covenants throughout their lives. After, the Masons invited us to the lodge to present. I think some of the anxiety that they may have felt before where everything was new, is gone. Or pick up trash on a highway? The question none of them have been able to answer for me, though, is what wording of the covenants am I bound by? Instead you can say Yeah, some things are great about the church and the members and leaders, others not so much. and stay in the church and do what you can to make it a safe welcoming place for everyone. As I said, Im sure there were other changes as well. The cap will no longer come with a plastic insert or a tie from cap to veil, and the robe, cap and sash will have more durable fabric. And that God knew in some things wed choose poorly. You need to have a little chat with my five daughters. I never said to my husband: lets go! My recommend expired in 2020 and I decided not to renew it. Even so, I would say that it at least places her at the center of creation inlieu of of anything else that might be said (about the arrangement). No settlement, no possession, no inheritance. Is it nice not to have to stand up and make changes to clothing? Yall, stop trying to take away the coolest part of temple clothes ;-). LDS Church changes policy about civil ceremonies and temple sealings, making way for more family members to be part of weddings 'Mormon Land': NAACP president discusses the unlikely alliance . But I havent been since pre-Covid so I dont know. . The argument that Joseph aligned the temple more with Kabbalah has been made by scholars such as Harold Bloom, Lance Owens, Hugh Nibley, and Hartley Lachter. I believe its a continuation of what President Nelson started with the focus on the name of the Church. New changes to Latter-day Saint civil marriages - The Salt Lake Tribune We give consent to this, not only because we cant see it (its just the air we breathe) but also because from a young age we are taught to consent to it. Let's be totally honest here, the ceremonies are super weird and have a very culty feel. Over the last 45+ years I have tolerated the temple. That is not listed in the church handbook or temple prep classes. And one more thing: Exchanging money transaction in the temple (renting clothes) is a mockery and a contamination of the sacred space, full stop. You also mention that your foremothers were harmed by plural marriage. It depends on what the fig leaf is symbolic of to you as an individual in different circumstances. Hey Holly, I find membership and attendance at church and temple very fulfilling. See the full statistical report at LDS Living. Tacloban City, Philippines. Read about the dedication at Church News. Years and years spent trying to decipher some kind of meaning in the shapes that my hands made. The Rome Italy Temple is reflected in the window of the Rome Italy Temple Visitors' Center of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints on Monday, January 14, 2019. The conclusion of the creation story is no longer the end for Adam and Eve as major actors in the ceremony. That depends: what do you consider the temple ceremony? A view of the Ogden Utah Temple on Tuesday, Sept. 29, 2020. Callings in the baptistry and ordinance support continue to be made by the temple president. Our church leaders clearly intend that or they would not refer to the new & everlasting covenant. I have no idea what prompted the changes, but based on my experience I suspect part of the reason was to help those participating in the rite to understand it better. Mormon. I propose a correction. It was one I initially applauded as having resolved much of the sexism I had experienced in the temple till that pointand most of the articles from the time period likewise applauded itbut after going a few more times and listening more carefully I realized it just hid the sexism better: taking out an obligation for women to hearken in the endowment, but adding preside into the sealing; replacing the language stating that women would be queens and priestesses to their husbands with language stating that women would be queens and priestesses in the new and everlasting covenant which, umm, is plural marriage, so it says the same sexist thing in more opaque language. All Rights Reserved, Latter-day Saints reminded of new ceremonial clothing as temples resume operations, Church of Jesus Christ announces changes to its ceremonial temple clothing, making it more simple, comfortable and cost-effective, Latter-day Saint temple reopenings: Here are the latest updates, President Russell M. Nelson calls the reopening of the last closed temple a cause for rejoicing, A complete list of temples of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
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