They both feel isolated and are set at night and use Pathetic Fallacy and each protagonist shows extreme emotion and thoughts. Besides illustration of the hawk, the writer also reveals the feelings of Helen Macdonald. The use of the words 'merge ',' 'slowly' and methodically' give the sense of large slow and majestic movements, but also the long structure of this sentence and the use of longer words, broken up with commas also reflect this movements of the whales. The writer glosses over the potential violence to keep the piece light and entertaining. This rich imagery creates a sense of warmth and softness - which is interesting as this is clearly a very cold climate! In this passage HM writes about her adoption of a goshawk, and the fear when she meets the bird for the first time that she. The text being used is the dramatic (and somewhat surrealistic!) Last updated: Sep 2, 2021 3 min read. Effect on reader: Using listing to describe the argument after the race about who had won creates a feeling of building anger. This can be shown from the description of the hawk: She is a conjuring trick. However, she is also emotionally attached to the narwhal: my heart also urged the narwhal to dive, to leave, to survive. Beyond the Sky and the Earth: A Journey into Bhutan How does the writer use language and structure to convey her growing fascination . You will quickly forget all the bugbears of your own life and, as the fetters of real place and time imperceptibly slip away, you will readily lose yourself in the world of the story. the Build Up to "Alright Then, Ill Go to Hell", Fate and Its Effects on the Lifes of Two Young Loves Case Study, Social Factors on Disability and Ill Health, Whistle Blower and the Allegory of the Cave. violent rage, despair and fear, frustration and tension. i am very much enjoying this book and writing style. Susan Hill uses language effectively in this story to create a strong and eerie atmosphere. This makes the reader feel sympathy and fear for Arthur as we know that It Is unjust of the woman In black to torment him In such a way due to her own misfortune. more analysis of last paragraphs to be updated soon. This makes the reader think that something is going to happen but they dont know what it is. us history. An example of this is, jerked angrily.. This no doubt has influenced her writing and how she identifies herself; the very title of this piece is a clear homage to her father and his influence. By listing the uses for the many parts of the narwhal, the writer portrays the hunters as resourceful, whilst also highlighting the difficulty of their lives. As be begins to doubt (his) own reality. No one has time to read them all, but its important to go over them at least briefly. The average student has to read dozens of books per year. Some sentences contain compound objects. Herbert often switches between descriptive and informative language and the piece shows her conflicting feelings between her love of the whales and the need for survival of the hunters. In this essay, the author. In addition, it also emphasizes the change in Arthur, a once rational man who now longs for an explanation. References to the hoot of an owl and the bay of a wolf or stray dog encourage the reader to put a mental soundtrack to the images that are already being streamed within the mind. In order to help us do this, we will work with a writing frame and key quotations, building our response systematically. Before your stunned eyes, an arm reaches out of this whirling pulp fiction vortex and a hand slaps you right across the face! This creates a feeling of disappointment in the reader at not seeing the race completed. A sound of thunder.". For example, she was scrambling up to the lookout to see it; this vivid vocabulary shows her sense of urgency. Herbert describes the movement of the whales, "looking as if they were going to merge, but always slowly, methodically passing each other by." Both writers also use a range of different language structures to create tension. Dont know where to start? This accurately shows Macdonalds unbelief that the younger hawk, the one that she adored so much, was not her hawk. He is remembering every moment extensively and fully. It can happen! Analyzes the main technique used to create tension and suspense through out the story. Firstly, the writer uses polysyndeton to convey the feelings of Helen Macdonald. The story was made into a film in 2010. This no doubt has influenced her writing and how she identifies herself; the very title of this piece is a clear homage to her father and his influence. It is mandatory to procure user consent prior to running these cookies on your website. A good approach is to gradually introduce students to a range of ways in which they can ensure their writing is more academic. MEANING. Jargon is technical language that only somebody within the field would understand. Any cookies that may not be particularly necessary for the website to function and is used specifically to collect user personal data via analytics, ads, other embedded contents are termed as non-necessary cookies. Him.'. For example, the straightforward sentence 'It was him.' becomes much more dramatic when it is broken up into three separate one-word sentences: 'It. You may use brief quotations. 1. Overall Ray Bradbury uses language to create tension well by using many different techniques like adjectives, adverbs, verbs, metaphors, similes, short sentences and sentence varying. This simile is also ironic, since the hunt is actually serious and dangerous. Theres certainty - no doubt in his mind - as to what is occurring in the incident. By continuing, you agree to our Terms and Conditions. Thankyou for this language structure you guys gave.But I would be more happy if this was more descriptive. This is shown at the beginning of the third paragraph: [] he reached inside, and amidst a whirring, chaotic clatter of wings and feet and talons and a high-pitched twittering and its all happening at once [] The repetition of the conjunction and speeds up the pace, showing a large number of details Helen Macdonald noticed, implying that she was worried, a bit disconcerted, quite interested and paid a great amount of attention on the hawk. However, this short time AT roller soon change when supper, lea Day ten sound AT someone wangling sprinted off and after Arthur realized it had not come from any human lips spider was drowning. The ellipsis after this challenge has the effect of further drawing the . Language is an extremely powerful took, and our use of language can greatly distort people 's perceptions and evoke deep feelings within the readers. This makes the reader . Herbert shifts from her previous use of descriptive and emotive language to a more informative and factual approach - notice how she refers to place names such as Thule and Inglefield Fjord. ", Quote: "We waited for eternity on the brow of the hill" "Nearly one hour later", Quote: "fifty vehicles roaring up in their wake", Quote:"the two donkeys were almost dwarfed by their entourage. Throughout the passage, she refers to them as the hunters, showing that for them, hunting is not just a hobby; it is crucial to their survival. How about getting full access immediately? The examination boards certainly seem to think so and appear to be obsessed with challenging our young people to consider how this might be achieved. careful and considered word choices for effect Edexcel English IGCSE Model Essay by an Expert. The narwhals themselves contribute to the beauty of the area, with their spray catching the light in a spectral play of colour. This category only includes cookies that ensures basic functionalities and security features of the website. You can get a custom paper by one of our expert writers. Another technique used well is having Silence on its own paragraph. In this way, Herbert cleverly guides the reader to empathise with the wives - we gain the sense that the whale hunting is really important to them and would be devastating should it go wrong. Herberts descriptions of the narwhals highlight their natural beauty. This poetic, figurative language creates a vivid visual image for the reader, encouraging them to appreciate the beauty of the narwhals, and their suitability for their natural environment. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Kari Herbert uses a variety of language techniques to share with the reader her respect for the Inughuits, the narwhals beauty, and her conflicted feelings towards hunting. These together can make a story much more interesting. Effect on reader: Technique: punctuation, An example of a sentence with the subordinate clause first is: "Out of the mist, one hundred yards away, came Tyrannosaurus Rex.". Get your custom essay on, How does Ray Bradbury use language to create tension? The writer uses metaphor to convey the majestic nature of the hawk. Ive regularly read comments on exam papers like, The writer uses a comma to convey how the two people are separate or By writing in rhyming couplets, the poet demonstrates the speakers love for her partner. How does the writer show the conflict in her thoughts and feelings about hunting in the Explorers Daughter? Quote:"But I don't even have my licence yet because I am underage!" Herbert emphasises the Inughuits struggle to survive to interest and engage the reader. Alliteration is the repetition of a consonant at the beginning of words that are placed together. The women instinctively know which hunter is their husband; it is crucial that he catches a whale; the meat is part of their staple diet. Furthermore, Herbert compares the hunt to a vast, waterborne game, This lexical field hints towards a kind of dog eats dog motif - fundamentally it is man vs whale; hunter vs hunted and. excitement, fear, pity, anger, suspense, (Of course, the feelings experienced by the reader will often be very different to those being portrayed within the character, e.g. This paragraph focuses on the perspective of the wives of the hunters and how their emotions play an important role. Understating the impact her illegal driver could have had. Well, regardless of who may have written it, you are unlikely ever to forget the way in which you were affected by the author of this particular text! You may use brief quotations. The way the whales are referred to as a "contributor" is rather unsentimental, pragmatic, perhaps insensitive and diverges heavily from the descriptions of the whales in paragraph one. There are a number of different approaches that you can use, depending on your confidence with your class or with a topic. As a professional climber, he is able to use this technical language with ease and incorporate it into his autobiography seamlessly: Overhang: a part of something (in this case, the rock) that extends over something else. In regards to this, he also refers o the house as a ship at sea, battered by the gale that came roaring across the open marsh. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. A good example of this is: "Suddenly it all ceased, as if someone had shut a door. This impacts the reader as we, along with Arthur come to terms with the circumstance he is in, revealed in such a dramatic way. So absorbed have you become that you that are blissfully unaware of the isolation which completely surrounds you and which clings to you like a second skin. The story was made into a film in 2010. Retrieved from Think carefully about the key comparisons and plan your answer first. It is late at night and you are sitting up in bed, alone, riveted by a good book. We use cookies on our website to give you the most relevant experience by remembering your preferences and repeat visits. Why do Chinese Students Only Mingle with Themselves?. He wants us to remember it with him. There are many different ways in which HG Wells builds up tension and suspense in 'The Red Room'. The writer uses similes to create tension. (2016, Jun 27). Quote: "voices were raised, fists were out and tempers rising" So how should a student approach such a question? Any cookies that may not be particularly necessary for the website to function and is used specifically to collect user personal data via analytics, ads, other embedded contents are termed as non-necessary cookies. Which elusive emotion is it that the reader is supposedly experiencing? Consider such aspects of a writers use of language as imagery, punctuation, sentence structure, dynamic verbs, vibrant adjectives, sound qualities such as onomatopoeia or alliteration, and the use of multi-sensory language for vivid effect, etc. Creates a light hearted, chatty feel. comparison of drivers who can keep up with donkeys and Darwin's theory is comic In paragraph 6, how does the writer build up the tension? . She is now writing about the factual aspects of the whales and the environment which licenses a more serious and stripped back tone. A Game of Polo with a Headless Goat How does the writer use language and structure to create excitement and tension? He asks himself questions such as What was real? Quote: "We drove off to find the best viewing spot", Quote: "I asked the lads if we could join in the Wacky races. The passage finishes with a simple but decisive statement Hunting is still an absolute necessity in Thule which persuades the reader that hunting must continue if the Inughuits are to survive. Hammering it home: how writers use imagery to create effects! Reading unseen non-fiction texts: Between a Rock and a Hard Place - Aron Ralston, Examining thoughts and feelings: Between a Rock and a Hard Place - Aron Ralston, Exploring the writer's perspective: Between a Rock and a Hard Place - Aron Ralston, Close analysis of writer's methods: Between a Rock and a Hard Place - Aron Ralston, Evaluative response: Between a Rock and a Hard Place - Aron Ralston, Examining thoughts, feelings and perspective, Close analysis of language: Touching the Void - Joe Simpson, Summarising ideas across two texts: Between a Rock and a Hard Place - Aron Ralston and Touching the Void - Joe Simpson, Comparing writers' perspectives and methods, Reading Unseen non-fiction texts: The Hawaiian Archipelago - Isabella Bird, Alternative Perspectives: Hawaiian Archipelago - Isabella Bird, Comparing texts: Form and function - Isabella Bird and Aron Ralston, Planning techniques: Logos, ethos and pathos, Creating an impact: Rhetorical devices and sequencing. Use of pile up again is language which the reader will understand and make associations with. One vivid image in particular shows that the narwhals contribute to the natural beauty of the setting: the plumes of spray from the narwhal catching the light in a spectral play of colour. And, indeed, yes, just what on earth is going on!? Effect on reader: alludes to Charles Darwin's theory of evolution (only best, most equipped of the species survive) The assonance, triple structure and repeated v sound draws the readers attention to this expression of emotional desire; it encourages the reader to reflect on the implications of such a beautiful creature being slaughtered. he used technical language to show he is an extremely experienced climber, and clearly knows what he is doing, which adds to the surprise and hopelessness of the accident to show it could happen to anyone. Because the darkness is depicted as being so pervasive, it implies that there is danger everywhere and thus adds yet more menace to the writing. When Macdonald realized that the hawk was not hers, the writer uses a paragraph with just a sentence with only one word: Oh. This sentence, comparing to the ones from the last paragraph, was like a sudden break. Keep adding complications to characters' arcs. LANGUAGE 1 - EMOTIVE RESPONSE TO THE RIGHT BIRD. Effect on reader: Technique: short sentence I would greatly appreciate any help. You may use. Be very specific and focused when explaining the possible effects of the word or phrase you have just quoted scenario which opens this blog: The author begins by making a direct address to the reader (you), thus instantly involving the reader in what is about to be written. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. Verified answer. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. The simile the hunters spread like a net creates the impression that they can act skilfully as a team, becoming one joint tool to catch the narwhal. Effect on reader: Technique: allusion The techniques used are adjectives, adverbs, verbs, metaphors, similes, short sentences and he varies the sentence structures to create tension. Example from the text: "Now my little darling, you must be patient with me won't you" How the writer uses language: The writer uses language to show the affection Bert has by using pet names and affectionate language. A griffon from the pages of an illuminated bestiary. examquestions. How to answer a 'How does the writer.' GCSE question for WJEC English Language. The Explorer's Daughter by Kari Herbert: Analysis A Game of Polo with a Headless Goat notes, Climate Change webpage - Greenpeace UK notes. Beyond the Sky and the Earth: A Journey into, The danger of a single story - IGCSE paper 1, From Beyond the Sky and the Earth: A Journey, iGCSE Edexcel English Language A Text analysi, English Edexcel A iGCSE Text Analysis "Young, English Edexcel iGCSE Text analysis "Explorer, Text Analysis for H is for Hawk Edexcel Engli, Foundations of Chemistry A Level OCR: defenti. How does the writer convey the moment of panic and shock? Quote:"it was survival of the fittest" Both writers use a vulnerable protagonist. How does the writer show the conflict in her thoughts and feelings about hunting in the Explorer's Daughter? The hike begun as normal; however, soon into the walk, a falling stone trapped his wrist against the wall. A fallen angel. Nonetheless, as Helen experienced in H is for . Other questions will be long questions. In each of the following sentences, underline each direct object once and each indirect object twice. night before preparation eek! This is a reflection, written in first person (I), of his time as a climber and adventurer. Moreover, It conveys Arthur fear and mounting terror whereas previously in the novel, Arthur narrated the novel with measure and calm reflected in the normality of sentence structure. * The exemplar A* answer which follows is in response to an examination-style question which requires the candidate to analyse a writers use of words and phrases in order to create effects. Registered address: Westerhill Road, Bishopsbriggs, Glasgow, G64 2QT. It is important to answer in full sentences. Give us your email address and well send this sample there. This means she didnt realise she was doing it, but she distracts herself from the grief as much as she can. To install StudyMoose App tap Reader will have experienced waiting for something . Within your examination, you will be asked a series of questions about the article. it emphasises this part of the text. You can also use a setting to impact a character's decision-making process, making it an active component of a story's conflict. This category only includes cookies that ensures basic functionalities and security features of the website. Some of the questions will be short questions. She experiences fear and excitement in her support of the hunters, highlighting the dangers of the hunt: the hunters boats are flimsy and they could easily be drowned. Use sections of the IPA from different words to start constructing a word, focusing either on harsher or softer sounds depending on how I want the language to sound. By emphasising the danger of the hunt, Herbert captures the readers attention and makes them interested to see what will happen next. The counting shows the boy's different states of mind, at first the number goes up to show . Out of these, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. Entire Document, See I love discussing a text with my classes: ethical issues in Never Let Me Go, duality in Jekyll and Hyde, how far we think Macbeths a tragic figure, the sheer horror of war in poems like Exposure Thus, the writer uses and single sentence word to convey the surprise of Helen Macdonald. About the author: Kari Herbert (born 17th September 1970) is a British travel writer, polar explorer, photographer, and television presenter.As the eldest daughter of the polar explorer Sir Wally Herbert, Kari Herbert lived on a remote island in the Arctic with the Polar Inuit of Northwest Greenland for the first few years of her life. Allegory is a literary device used to express large, complex ideas in an approachable manner. The involvement of spider also contributes to the build-up of tension, as his reactions, coupled with Arthur, result In dismay and anticipation as they sense that the menacing woman in black is about to torment them further. The purpose of this piece is to describe and discuss the ideas and rationale behind whale hunting, as well as conveying the authors own opinion. However, this excitement becomes more complex as she experiences conflict between her head and her heart: in her head, she urged the man on, but in her heart, she urged the narwhal to dive, to leave, to survive. Mystery, suspense, and dramatic irony are the tools writers use to create tension and thus to pull readers into the story. Furthermore, the reference to a second skin may well conjure up in the readers imagination a fleeting impression of nakedness, thus further increasing the sense of this characters vulnerability. The author has also written the passage in the present tense, thus bringing the reader even closer to the event by creating the illusion of immediacy. Her use of short sentences reflects the breathlessness and hesitation of Arthur at the time. It is a sound in a long silence to voice Macdonalds surprise, trying to understand what had just happened. How does William Shakespeare create tension? Revise and learn about the form, structure and language of Robert Louis Stevenson's Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde with BBC Bitesize GCSE English Literature (AQA). Put the words in, then look to the right at the IPA symbols. Academic writing just means that our students need to write in a formal manner that reflects their level of educational and is distinct from how they would converse orally or via text. We feel his desperation when finally lights a candle and becomes less agitated. I really appreciate your support on this.Look forward to hearing from you soon.Im happy to answer your questions, if you have any. , Many thanks for your kind invitation. How does Shakespeare create tension and keep the audiences attention in Romeo and Juliet Act 3 Scene 1 and Act 3 Scene 3? Ralston uses extensive description within his autobiography: Stemming across the canyon at the lip of the drop-off, with one foot and one hand on, each of the walls, I traverse out to the chockstone. For these questions, you must look at the number of marks in brackets. Technique: Handling of time, hyperbole Effect on reader: the writer employs lots of references to waiting and time. Herbert often switches between descriptive and informative language and the piece shows her conflicting feelings between her love of the whales and the need for survival of the hunters. It was filmed and produced by Danny Boyle. It is worth noting how long some of the sentences become. Its important that we encourage students to explore structure and form when they are analysing a literary text. Technique: Bradbury uses short sentences and short paragraphs to a great effect so create tension. You should refer closely to the passage to support your answer. Trust me , it helped alot! It encourages the reader to imagine how vulnerable the main character is by the fact the he / she is all alone and far removed from any possible source of help. Another technique used by Ray Bradbury is varying sentence structure. Quote:"There were over a hundred punters" How are converters and contractors similar and different? Assessment features are __coming soon: ____check back here in the next few days for the opportunity to ____unlock assessment ____and access ____teacher-written questions ____with ____model answers. The opening chapters of Dracula by Bram Stoker set the scene atmospherically and build the feeling of fear steadily through a combination of themes which were feared in Victorian times. You should refer closely to the passage to support your answer. I did not write about "The necklace" by Guy de Maupassant and "Story of an Hour" by . repetition to build anticipation Has the wrong bird. Logically, she supports the hunters: I urged the man on in my head. In the language he has used modal verbs, personification, exclamation marks for the extreme conditions, and he has made big use of emotive language. 1032. How does Miller use Abigail Williams to Create Dramatic Tension in His Play? (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); The writer admires and respects the narwhal, but also recognises the necessity of hunting for the Inughuits. Here the writer is very descriptive and writes in the past tense. Such bland and unfocused explanations as these could refer to any one of millions of evocative words or phrases whereas a well-targeted response will be specific to just one particular word or phrase and will outline one or more very precise ways in which this particular instance of the writers use of language may affect a reader. STRUCTURE 1. It is important to answer in full sentences. At the beginning of the next paragraph, the phrase late at night definitely helps to set the scene and establish an eerie atmosphere because it intimates danger, as does the heavily punctuated reference to being alone. that's it i did not say anything about facts they are correct and up to date bt not enough if the writer includes more it will be very useful ok and iam also helping like the writer because i have give so much help in english to my friends. The metaphor darkness devours is further satisfying in both an imaginative and intellectual sense because it suggests that the night itself is also a nocturnal predator. Moreover, It foreshadows a sinister future for Arthur and spider. Ray Bradbury uses metaphors to enhance descriptions. Writing about how authors and poets use literary devices and language to create a mood of tension is one of the quintessential, ageless GCSE questions, so I thought it would be useful to look at an iconic passage from chapter VIII of Great Expectations, in which Pip first meets Miss Havisham.By highlighting some common tension-building tropes, you can bear them in mind for future questions. The triple infinitive structure and the repeated v sound here create an emotional, sentimental tone, suggesting an element of tragedy; she doesnt want the beautiful narwhal to die. We use cookies on our website to give you the most relevant experience by remembering your preferences and repeat visits. She describes the narwhal as an essential contributor to the survival of the hunters, using strong vocabulary to emphasise the importance of the hunt for the Inughuits. The use of the words "tricks" and "shifting" emphasise that the narwhals are magical and surreal creatures, almost too good to be true - the writer is completely in awe of these creatures. Keep quotations (evidence) as short as possible The ancient Aztecs thought so highly of popeorn that they even use to wear it around their necks. The effect of this is that creates anticipation and dread for the reader. Quote:"this was formula one without rules" Determine the overall length, width, and height of the casting in Figure 2-4. Quote:"a massive pile up in the high stakes donkey race could have caused problems" It is the story of his survival. Suddenly, something bizarre begins to happen. Bradbury uses short sentences and short paragraphs to a great effect so create tension. Slow pace of opening contrasted later with speed of the donkeys. This Is evident when Hills use of anti-climax brings the reader on a reallocates of events. But opting out of some of these cookies may affect your browsing experience. IGCSE English Language Notes and Analysis. How does the writer use language to convey the majestic nature of the hawk and the feelings of Helen Macdonald? The quality of the writing itself will almost certainly be so adept that the words will become invisible and the page will magically transform into a window. Use the graph to answer the following questions. She reminds the reader of the magnificence of nature with vivid visual imagery, such as a metaphor of the glittering kingdom. 1984-George Orwell How does the writer use language to create a sense of place? In the description of the hunt, Herbert says that the hunt was like watching a vast, waterborne game, highlighting the teamwork involved.
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