Democrats and Republicans seem to be saying the country cannot afford to care for children and poor mothers. Youth have the right to an education that is stimulating, relevant, engaging, and that fosters their natural desire to learn. Undocumented immigrants boost Americas economic growth and raise the general productivity of American workers by providing much-needed skills. Immediate and direct access to all identifying birth, hospital, foster care and adoption agency records and files concerning the adult adoptee (including the original adoption plans and any contracts that pertain to the adoptee or in which they are mentioned) to assist with researching their genealogy, medical history and the truth regarding the circumstances surrounding their adoptions and, if applicable, their time in foster care. Increase compensation for jurors and provide childcare for those serving jury duty. 2/22/23 - 2023 has started off with a bang - literally - with 39 mass shootings in the first 3 weeks of the new year. Strict financial penalties need to be enforced when birth/adoption records have been lost or destroyed while under the care of agencies, hospitals, lawyers, etc. We oppose discriminatory English-only pressure groups. The Green Party's agenda for gun control laws includes a requirement that all purchasers of firearms attend a gun safety and first aid course; basic competency and mental hygiene for firearm purchasers; a moratorium on gun sales following any mass shooting that has gained national prominence the "copycat window"; and a ban on assault . All workers, temporary or permanent, employee or contractor, must be paid a living wage suitable for a single income, working full-time 30-35 hours per week [see Chapter IV, Section H, of this platform for more information]. Few in either group say it has too little (17% among gun owners and 14% among non-owners). The Green Party is opposed to efforts to force undocumented youth into becoming cannon fodder for the U.S. military as the price for legal status. Service members serving in combat zones are subjected to assorted variations of permanent physical and mental damage and are entitled to treatment by the Veterans Administration. Immigration policies such as separating families at the border, kids in cages, and the Title 42 program which allows the United States Border Patrol and U.S. Customs to prohibit the entry of persons who potentially pose a health risk (a racist policy to fast track deportations and prohibit refugees to seek asylum on U.S. soil) must immediately cease. Additionally, now more than half of all school children are classified as low income. Even more critical is the fact that now nearly 35 percent of all public school students have some specific learning disability and are receiving special education services. We believe that the best educational experience is guaranteed by the democratic empowerment of organized students, their parents and communities along with organized teachers. There is broad support among gun owners and non-gun owners in both parties for the bans on gun sales to the mentally ill and people on no-fly or watch lists, as well as for background checks on private gun sales. Our tax code favors the wealthy. We must address all peoples humanitarian needs as we chart a course toward a less cumbersome pathway to citizenship.The Green Party stands firmly for social justice for all living in this country regardless of immigration status. Green Party of the United Immediate Release:August 5, 2019, Contacts:Holly Hart, Co-chair, Media Committee | [emailprotected] | 202-804-2758Craig Seeman, Co-chair, Media Committee | [emailprotected]| 202-804-2758, GPUS co-chair Kristin Combs called the incident shocking to all Greens, saying, We express our heartfelt condolences to the victims and their families. Increase funding for rape and domestic violence prevention and education programs. The share saying almost all types of guns should be legally available (36%) is higher among gun owners as well. Rural residents are more likely than urban and suburban residents to identify as Republicans or lean Republican; people who live in rural areas also are more likely to own guns than those in other communities. Democrats broadly favor making gun laws stricter than they are today. Among those who dont own guns, 80% favor creation of a federal database to track gun sales, 77% back an assault-weapons ban and 74% support a ban on high-capacity ammunition magazines. We insist that local education authorities stand up to these destructive practices. Instead of enacting zoning laws to increase affordable housing, the trend has too often been to increase the proportion of land zoned for commercial property at the expense of residential property. Insist on agricultural practices that don't endanger farm workers. Among those who do not currently own guns, about as many say they could see themselves owning a gun at some point as say they could never see themselves owning a gun. Fund public and non-profit tenant-related counseling and legal assistance for renters. We support the complete clean-up of those mines and tailing piles, which are a profoundly destructive legacy of the Cold War. Higher human consumption rates and populations increase the pressure on the environment in every ecological problem area. In July 2002 the National Women's Caucus of the Green Party of the United States was founded to carry out the Party's commitment to women. More than a third of Republicans who do not own guns (35%) support stricter gun laws in the U.S., compared with just 10% of Republican gun owners. Forced sex is rape and a serious crime. Native American land and treaty rights often stand as the front line against government and multinational corporate attempts to plunder energy, mineral, timber, fish, and game resources; pollute water, air, and land in the service of the military; expand economically; and consume natural resources. We encourage women and men to prevent unwanted pregnancies. This comprehensive gun safety policy includes five key pillars designed to create an effective background checks system, keep guns away from people who pose a danger to themselves or others, protect young people in schools and Americans in their homes, tackle daily gun violence in the hardest-hit communities, and confront the gun industry head-on." Ensure that the Pentagon takes all steps necessary to fully diagnose and treat the physical and mental health conditions resulting from service in combat zones, including post-traumatic stress disorder. However, we believe that this freedom should not be used to perpetuate oppression and abuse. An increasing number of experts think the percentage of choice prostitution is very small, leaving the larger number of women exposed to serious and often fatal violence. Just 19% favor allowing people to carry concealed guns without a permit. Here at home, we must also promote the policies, as outlined in the Economy and Workers' Rights sections of this Platform, that can help us achieve a full employment economy at a living wage, including strictly enforcing and expanding the rights of all workers to form unions. Restore state health, safety, and consumer protection laws by striking federal preemptions that weaken state law. Agricultural and other excluded workers must be covered by federal labor laws, except where existing state laws offer more protection. We must end xenophobia and white supremacy to address laws and practices that punish and target individuals for their immigration status, national origin, ethnicity and race, to build power among the people. The accumulation of individual wealth in the U.S. has reached grossly unbalanced proportions. However, 57% of rural residents support allowing people to carry concealed guns in more places. In addition, we demand a recognition of past, uncredited payments into Social Security as part of any fees assessed for regularization of status. Assure non-discriminatory compliance with all environmental, health and safety laws to guarantee equal protection. The Green Party affirms the right of all persons to self-determination with regard to gender identity and sex. Expand opportunities for universal higher education and life-long learning. Educate homeless people about their right to vote. Security personnel should also demonstrate cultural competency and refrain from enforcing white supremacist oppressive tactics. One of our key values is respect for diversity. It is a subsidiary of The Pew Charitable Trusts. We further believe that the dangerous burden of fighting the unnecessary wars in the Middle East, due to the administration's overly narrow and militaristic response to terrorism is disproportionately borne by families of lesser means. Women who file complaints must not be persecuted and should be protected under federal and state law. Young people should be provided the opportunity to express themselves in their own media, including television, radio, films and the Internet. End alternative teacher licensing initiatives, such as Teach for America, which recruit primarily white teachers and inject them into urban classrooms with as little as five weeks training and only a two-year commitment, creating great destabilization in school communities that need consistent leadership and community connections. Enact a universal, comprehensive, national single-payer health plan that will provide the following with no increase in cost: The Green Party calls for comprehensive, humane, and competent care of all people with HIV/AIDS. Responding creatively to provide additional transitional housing through master leasing of private apartment blocks; purchase for-profit single room occupancy hotels; and where feasible, conversion of short-term emergency shelter facilities into permanent supportive housing. Instead, the focus on employers must be to vigorously enforce our wage and labor laws. Other proposals are much more divisive. Preserve and expand product-labeling requirements to ensure that consumers are fully informed about the origin, ingredients, and ecological life cycle of all products, including animal testing, and the products organic, recycled, and genetically engineered content. The Green Party supports equal access to high-quality education, and sharp increases in financial aid for college students. We affirm the right of choosing non-binary and gender fluid identification. Freedom of artistic expression is a fundamental right and a key element in empowering communities, and in moving us toward sustainability and respect for diversity. While we support condom use, better condoms are also required. We support legal, political, and grassroots efforts by, and on behalf of, Native Americans to protect their traditions, rights, livelihoods, and sacred spaces. No individuals with HIV should ever spend a single night on the streets or be turned away from treatment due to their economic status. No mandated testing. Grant amnesty and release from confinement without any further parole or probation, those who have been incarcerated for the use, sale, or cultivation of marijuana in federal and state prisons and in county/city jails, and who otherwise are without convictions for victim oriented crimes, or who do not require treatment for abuse of hard drugs. The Green Party shall strive to secure universal and effective recognition and observance of the principles and spirit expressed in the United National Universal Declaration of Human Rights as an international standard that all nations must meet. PO Box 75075, Washington, DC 20013[emailprotected]202.319.7191. It is clear that we cannot rely on the rich to regulate their profit-making excesses for the good of society through "trickle-down economics." Eliminate gross inequalities in school funding. Make it easier for the chronically mentally ill to apply for and receive Supplemental Security Income. Increased funding for the arts appropriate to their essential social role at local, state and federal levels of government. Employers have a responsibility to protect workers from those hazards. The Green Party supports the Brady Handgun Violence Protection Act. All persons fleeing political, racial, religious, or other types of persecution must be welcomed and granted permanent resident status and a pathway to citizenship. Excluding these people from society alienates them; excluding them from the work force denies them the chance to use their potentials. MGMT 3000 Final Exam Notes . Single mothers are the largest and most severely impoverished group in the United States, which explains why 22% of the children in our country live below the poverty line. In ending over fifty years of federal policy guaranteeing cash assistance for poor children, Congress has set in motion a radical experiment that will have a profound impact on the lives of the weakest members of our society. Heidi Rathjen, a member of the gun-control group PolySeSouvient and survivor of the 1989 Polytechnique massacre, said the Liberals' gun laws "sound good but hide incredibly weak, hollow, toothless . Other political parties on Gun Control: Republican Party on other issues: . Green Party leaders are calling for Congress to take swift and decisive action following an horrific mass shooting on August 3 at the Cielo Vista Mall Walmart location in El Paso, Texas, that has left at least 20 dead and dozens injured; and an early morning shooting on August 4 in a Dayton, Ohio, entertainment district that left 9 people dead and 16 wounded.. Citizenship and Immigration ServicesThere are over 10,200 forms, hundreds of immigration statuses, hefty annual renewal fees, and varying steps immigrants must take to start the process for their specific situation. Minimize isolation of prisoners from staff and one another only as needed for safety. State governments continue to weaken or preempt local rent control laws, while landlords who violate housing code requirements by failing to keep their property in habitable condition, are often tolerated or given lenient penalties. We must take aggressive steps to restore a fair distribution of income. The Green Party affirms the rights of all individuals to freely choose intimate partners, regardless of their sex, gender, or gender identity. Expand arts education and physical education opportunities at school. CANDIDATE SUMMARY Stein said, "We certainly need an assault weapons ban." She also called for regulations to keep guns out of the hands of criminals and individuals with mental illness. In a nationally representative Pew Research Center survey conducted April 5 to 11, 2017, among 1,501 adults over 18, 51% said it was more important to control gun ownership and 47% said protecting the right to own guns is more important (see long term trends on the publics views about guns). Three-quarters of Democrats and Democratic leaners including 78% of non-gun owners and 62% of gun owners say gun laws in this country should be stricter than they are today. We will initiate the repeal of the slave clauses that survive today in the U.S. Constitution. Democrats who do not own guns are strongly opposed to all of these proposals that would make gun laws less strict: Only about one-in-five support expanding conceal carry, carrying by teachers and shortening waiting periods, and just 9% support concealed carry without a permit. We call for an end to official support for any remaining symbols of slavery and specifically call for the removal of the Confederate battle flag from all government buildings. By Marcie Young. Just 43% of Republican gun owners back a federal gun database, 38% favor a ban on assault-style weapons and 32% support banning sales of high-capacity ammunition magazines. Repeal "three strikes" laws. We oppose our government's habit of cutting family planning funds when those funds go to agencies in foreign countries that give out contraceptive devices, offer advice on abortion, and perform abortions. 12 stats to help inform the gun control debate. We urge accelerated ratification by three or more of the remaining 15 states that are required to pass ERA into law and into the Constitution. Our first priority in foreign policy considerations is to creating a future without war. Abolish all student and parent loans taken out to finance post-secondary and vocational education. Persons who share needles are the next largest group of persons with HIV/AIDS in the USA. The negative effects of imprisonment are far-reaching. Partisan views on gun policy proposals fall along similar lines as the opinions of gun owners and non-gun owners. Republicans and Democrats remain widely divided over the importance of protecting the right of Americans to own guns. We support the Equal Rights Amendment reintroducedin the U.S. Congress, and support using the precedent of a three-state strategy for ratification. The Green Party unequivocally supports a woman's right to reproductive choice, no matter her marital status or age, and that contraception and safe, legal abortion procedures be available on demand and be included in all health insurance coverage in the U.S., as well as free of charge in any state where a woman's income falls below the poverty level. Current Medicaid policy forces many challenged people to live in costly state-funded institutions. Artists can create in ways that foster healthy, non-alienating relationships between people and their daily environments, communities, and the Earth. It is critical that the public protections of Social Security are not privatized and subjected to increased risk. Oppose the administration of public schools by private, for-profit entities.
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