Youre asking for a book, while this is a blog article. There has to be a reason we dont know how the ancient Egyptians built such huge megaliths. Also a few points to consider (read: keep you awake at night): The ocean probably was not as deep as it is today 100 million years ago. Dont bumblebees defy the laws of physics? You have advanced the argument against Dinosaurs very convincingly to me at least. In the real world, paleontologists have found huge numbers of insects and other invertebrates in. (1994). Until literally anyone shows any proof otherwise, this is nothing more than the Loch Ness monster minus the single photo true believers hang their hats on. Even they dont know how really a velociraptor looked like! You are a talented writer exposing the truth about dinosaurs. And last,what if those few real bones were the bones of the nephilim? (2000). . Those little arms could have had wings attached or tentacles or cartilage. Wow. Maybe someone should look under the couch. Dinosaurs and the Gravity Problem. It makes me wonder if we humans are on a repeat cycle. Above all if we have a minimum sense of mathematics we would not believe dinosaur like animal ever existed in this world. ", Joshua Franzos/Carnegie Museum of Natural History. Everything made so much more sense when we could say, "No, they were just ducks.". This doesnt mean they couldnt get on the moon maybe they could. There were wildfires. Nowadays its Jurassic World. Lyons, Eric. Cultures all over the world have myths about dragons extending back thousands of years and the word dragon appears in the KJV Bible over twenty times. (n.d.). In 1979 the correct head was placed atop the museum's skeleton. K-Ar (Potassium-Argon) dating is just as flawed and for many of the same reasons. "It was definitely a bitter, bitter rivalry.". Id like to prove these dinos didnt exist because as you stated in the article, the physics makes no sense. If you yourself have not done the research, then neither should you say you know something when you do not know it but only believe what someone else and the media told you. Different kinds of radioactive decay-based geological stopwatches run at different rates. Check out: In the Jurassic Park movies, scientists extract dinosaur DNA from mosquitoes trapped in amber. Dinosaurs should have entered into the boat because dinosaurs are animals (if they had existed). Its ok, cognitive dissonance isnt your fault. And what about the sightings of dragons, cockatrices and other other mysterious animals found in the Bible and medieval sources? God only destroyed humanity in the Great Flood (minus Noah and his family), but God saved the animals. So poor kids at a young age are taught not to question the establishment, this is not only wrong but damaging to them becoming truly free thinking human beings. It dates back 130 years, to a period of early U.S. paleontology known as the Bone Wars, says Matt Lamanna, curator at the Carnegie Museum of Natural History in Pittsburgh. How anyone could believe these things existed when they took sooooooooo much food and water to maintain, its beyond me. But that didn't happen because the scientific journal describing the dinosaur called it Tyrannosaurus rex one page before calling it Dynamosaurus imperiosus. They would probably rot with atrophy. we should not teach this false science at school. Thanks to museums, books, and pop culture, dinosaurs remain larger-than-life. Ornithological Monographs, 66:1-78. I will get to that in the following top ten list. Jesus lived on Earth approximately 2,000 years ago. The Blind Watchmaker. Dinosaurs are one of the most popular forms of entertainment in the world. If millions of years of separation between us and dinosaurs doesn't make figuring them out confusing enough, sometimes mischievous humans make things even harder. That led me to think if there were so many different dinosaurs living for millions of years on Earth, wouldnt a bone or at least a tooth come up someplace where Id been digging? I wish this theory wasnt taught in schools and to the public because it supports evolution which is a complete fraud and confuses many Christians and even causes them to question the Word of God. It may have something to do with all those Brontosaurus burgers everyone's favorite modern stone-age family ate, but when you think of a giant dinosaur with a tiny head and long, swooping tail, the Brontosaurus is probably what you're seeing in your mind. It was disappointing. There are missing links all over. Trans. I am glad you enjoyed the post, although I am not trying to convince or persuade you to believe one way or the other, I am only pointing out the facts. For example, the Jurassic dinosaur Stegosaurus had already been extinct for approximately 80 million years before the . However, as I have not studied it deeply, I will not assert whether the moon landing happened or not. Kevin's a better name, anyway. But there are also humans riding dinosaurs at the creation museum that's shaped like the ark. We set about maintaining our race by reproducing. #1 Sort of ties back into your #10 but I happen to like this one most of all. If they werent real then who made this up and why? Young reptiles are much much smaller than their adult versions. However, in the early 1900s, the Carnegie Quarry was very active and many dinosaurs were removed, studied, and put . Also original skeletons are sometimes too heavy to mount on display. It's impossible that dinosaurs existed because dinosaurs are too big? Your email address will not be published. Id rather that be in the textbooks (encouraging people to remember that their brain is just as competent as anyone elses here on this Earth) than any of the complete nonsense Ive read in all of my classes except Communication and Mathematics. God created the earth and all things that dwell on it, and that was about 6,000 years ago. These humans as big as giants dont exist today but they probably did in the past, especially pre-flood when Earths conditions were far different, oxygen levels where higher, more shielding from solar radiation, etc. Things just disappear. Me personally I believe dinosaurs were made up to achieve an illusion to keep the lies going. Evolution and Carbon-14 Dating. You cant say they were more dangerous because if its all the animals, there were also lions and tigers and polar bears. Ok no scientists in his right mind would claim to date what they believe to be 66 million years old with method known to be good for no more than 50000 years. You have 1 skeleton and 10 museums around the world. Retrieved from I am merely going to point out that there are more scientific anomalies in the theory of dinosaurs than there are evidence that dinosaurs did exist. Retrieved from Dinosaur is a term which is defined as a terrestrial reptile with one of two possible hip structures. This soil is typically deposited in waterways, causing siltation and destroying aquatic ecosystems (Rabbit Problems, n.d.). This photograph from 1934 shows the Carnegie Museum's Apatosaurus skeleton on the right wearing the wrong skull. The fire breathing thing is irrelevant as we never saw them so we dont know either way. Could a meteor hitting earth, causing dust particles and other parts of earth to go into the atmosphere potientally wipe out the sea dinosaurs too? The Bible does not specifically mention any animal that could not be simple a whale or elephant. Did you grow up loving dinos like the brontosaurus and the triceratops? probably. Great article! Interestingly, A.ajax got its name from Charles Marsh, meaning he either didn't recognize the teeth a year later or he simply wanted credit for naming a new dino, even if it was imaginary. What Killed The Dinosaurs: The Invalid Hypothesis. The creatures in the Bible could have simply been an elephant and a whale. Long-Bone Circumference and Weight in Mammals, Birds, and Dinosaurs. Note the word "mostly." His "no dinosaur skeleton has ever been found" is completely erroneous. Here are some dinosaurs we once thought existed, but now know to be faker than Jurassic Park. (1986). Dinosaurs Never Existed! God would have asked Noah to build a much, much, much bigger boat! Obviously, My position on dinosaurs has changed over the course of years. Also, there are plenty of sightings in modern day by isolated peoples who describe fearsome creatures that seem dinosaur-like when described by the locals (saurian, pterosaurian). on this stupid fantasy. Paleontologist Trevor Valle Debunks "Dinosaurs Never Existed" Conspiracy PowerfulJRE 14.3M subscribers Subscribe 223K 16M views 6 years ago #862 This clip is taken from the Joe Rogan. But it is not true. Dragons do not count as dinosaur mythology. Even reputable publications like the Washington Post declared "Brontosaurus Still Lives," which wasn't just sensationalism it was inaccurate sensationalism. Required fields are marked *. Hulton Archive/Getty Images Nope. The Land Before Time 2. And I believe they are one of the tools being used to create false ideas about where we come from. Thanks to half a dozen of my computer saavy supporters helping scour the internet archive, we have now found and can present Robbin Koefoed's article "The Dinosaurs Never Existed," from his deleted GVENews website. As FiveThirtyEight explains, in the late 1800s a nearly 5-foot dinosaur vertebra was unearthed in CaonCity, Colorado. Pretty decent article. - The Greatest Deception In History.. Mokele-mbembe is a myth based on literally nothing but talk there are no photos, no videos, and no bones. As in, fiction. Some feel Cope simply made the animal up in a bid to one-up rival paleontologist Othniel Charles Marsh. Not like a fish into just a different kind of fish. #7- You site Holden 1994 so Ill have to check that out. Youre going to get a lot of views for that post. good to hear a like minded person. Similar to Edgar Rojas comment, I am too a young (19) born again christian and I am totally convinced that dinosaurs are a complete hoax to support evolution and while making billions of dollars in the process. Footprints have always been faked. Why were there pyramids in several different countries when the Egyptians hadnt traveled the globe? It could be argued that Noah brought on dinosaur eggs or babies instead of full-sized dinosaurs. No real historian worth their salt would deny the fact, unless they were outright lying. Explain how. I agree that many dinosaur bones are replicas and/or fabrications but there are plenty of finds out there that are real and come from deep underground (in cliffs). Of course, because dinosaurs are very popular, and its cool. Effectively, radioactive dating is simply used to confirm a researchers assumptions even if the real science says the opposite. The two burned through money, and were as much fame-hungry trailblazers as scientists. Not every single dinosaur lived together at the same time for that exact same period of time. What about the skulls? All radioactive dating works generally the same and none can reliably predict any dates and all have been proven false at some time or another. Even if the Earth were 300 below zero for 100 years, it would only form a relatively thin layer of ice (maybe 10 to 100 feet thick) at the top which would insulate the water below. It would take thousands of years at temperatures colder than thousands of degrees below zero to freeze the ocean all the way down, and even then it probably would not come close to freezing the ocean all the way. They developed radio carbon dating and its limits as well as the age of the dinos. rivers and turn into seas or deserts, land mass shifts, super storms and floods, etc. Even if you knew that, you may not know how the fictional dinosaur came to star in the prehistoric landscape of popular imagination for so long. As explained by the Smithsonian, back when paleontologists first discovered the hadrosaur they were convinced it was an aquatic dinosaur that only ate soft plants. Theory of this magnitude can only be disproven with theory/common sense since the details and science are lacking. Several years later, however, Osborn realized he had bungled, and that both dinosaurs were actually the same. "Brontosaurus means 'thunder lizard,'" he says. Today, you dont see any wolves in places where there used to be many; perceived as a threat, they were hunted until every last one was gone. "There are stories of either Cope or Marsh telling their fossil collectors to smash skeletons that were still in the ground, just so the other guy couldn't get them," Lamanna tells Guy Raz, host of weekends on All Things Considered. However, Im also not going to perpetuate that dinosaurs did exist. #9 There would not have been enough food or fresh water for plant-based animals this big to have lived. He then called this armored giantDynamosaurus imperiosus, not realizing he had turned two sets of dino bones into one, like a bonehead. Who should we believe man or God? Anything that would decompose easily would be missing and therefore the scientists excited by the new discovery forget these simple things.
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