Chinas smart cities market is estimated to be worth more than $1 trillion, and three Chinese entities dominate smart city patents. Large government-sponsored initiatives like the National Basic Research Program (973 Program) launched in 1997, the National High-Tech R&D Program (863 Program) established in 1986, and others have helped to funnel finances and resources to Chinese scientists and entrepreneurs and streamline the innovation process. It should also consider authorizing the Confucius Institute U.S. Center (CIUS) to serve as a visa sponsor to assist Chinese teachers and staff of CIs obtain the proper visas, as well as enable CIUS to serve as a clearinghouse for information on such PRC personnel for relevant U.S. government agencies. RYAN HASS is Michael H. Armacost Chair in Foreign Policy Studies at the Brookings Institution. What are the opportunities and challenges that a networked Indo-Pacific presents for U.S. national strategy: from the skillful management of the security minilaterals, to the perennial search for rebalancing U.S. regional strategy with a compelling program of economic engagement? Our records indicate this scholar adhered to these policies regarding reimbursement and disclosure.) West attended Huaweis fourth annual European Innovation Day in Paris in 2016, where he shared his thoughts on how wireless technology is reshaping our lives, according to a Huawei press release. What impact does great power dynamics have on U.S. efforts to manage the China challenge? Some questions this group will explore include: China is increasingly using diplomatic and economic tools to challenge the terms of global order and governance; how should the United States and others respond? Has US-China rivalry passed a tipping point? A federal campaign against their alleged malign influence, pressure from politicians and Department of Defense funding restrictions have prompted and accelerated closure of more than half the CIs in the United States. Boards of directors composed of university officials and faculty from each side exercise general oversight. In fact, the Chinese government has been pushing its tech industry to move beyond copycat methods. employees 565 2021 What role can China play in restructuring debts and ensuring their sustainability? Beijings re-innovation strategy is key element of U.S.-China competition, effectively curbing its only potential rival. The private firms Baidu, Alibaba, and Tencent have managed to compete globally with multinational corporations in new and emerging high-tech fields by balancing state backing with private sector innovation and resources. Sometimes, they have co-directors from China and the United States but many are directed by a U.S. faculty director and a Chinese deputy. Technology is perhaps the most intense realm of competition between the United States and China today, and artificial intelligence (AI) is central to that contest. Qi Ye was appointed director. Yi Gang, then deputy governor of the People's Bank of China, speaks at a 2016 event held by the Brookings Institution in Washington about China and the world economy. Yet the U.S. is facing a critical shortage of Mandarin-speaking China experts. China aspires to global technology leadership. Rush Doshi is the Brookings-Yale Fellow (on leave) at the Brookings Institution and Yale Law School's Paul Tsai China Center. China now touches virtually every region in the world how is Chinas increasing involvement impacting South Asia, the Middle East, Latin America, and elsewhere? These public-private investment funds aim to produce financial returns while furthering the Party-states industrial policy goals, many of which relate to emerging technologies and high-tech competition, according to a study by Ngor Luong, Zachary Arnold, and Ben Murphy. The alleged details of that journey, which leaked out via a federal search warrant application that was inadvertently made public last week, have cost Allen his $1-million-a-year job, upended. In a 2014 report on CI partnerships, the American Association of University Professors (AAUP) argued that allowing third-party control of academic matters compromises academic freedom and institutional autonomy. In comparison, as of 2018, only one-fifth of the U.S. population had ever used mobile payments. After the 2019 Senate study found nearly 70 percent of universities that received more than $250,000 from Hanban failed to properly file, the drive focused on China, even though other countries were larger donors to U.S. higher education.The DOE report on the initiatives results referenced CIs in connection with concerns that foreign money buys influence or control over teaching and research. Widespread non-compliance with the reporting requirement, more a matter of confusion, rather than secrecy, prompted a new DOE reporting portal in June 2020. However, certain parts of the Declaration, some of which are outlined below, signal greater ambition, especially in areas that are ripe for cooperation between the two nations and that focus on near-term impact. By focusing on where all groups are thriving, we can see where cooperation and democratic decisionmaking are most likely to be a reality and work toward high levels of well-being for everyone . The era of U.S.-China cooperation is drawing to a closeWhat comes next? The Brookings Institution is a nonprofit organization devoted to independent, in-depth research that leads to pragmatic and innovative ideas on how to solve problems facing society.. ), Between July 2016 and June 2018, Huawei gave at least $300,000 to Brookings, via FutureWei Technologies, Inc., a U.S.-based subsidiary of the company, according to Brookings' annual reports. China, East Asia (202) 478-3434 Yun Sun is a Senior Fellow and Co-Director of the East Asia Program and Director of the China Program at the Stimson Center. The consequences of U.S.-China competition over AI and emerging technology extend far beyond the digital domain. The economic architecture is also experiencing profound change with the emergence of mega trade agreements and the proliferation of national security controls over international economic transactions. What are the differences within Europe regarding relations with China, and can the United States and Europe develop common approaches to respond to Beijings economic, political, and military challenges? Has Chinese aid benefited recipient countries? Although news accounts describe Ren as reclusive, West writes, he found Ren charming, articulate, and funny. (Huawei didnt respond to multiple requests for comment.). Meanwhile, Chinese students are required to learn English from elementary school and as a requirement to gain admission to, and in many cases graduate from, college, with an estimated 400 million Chineseincluding front-line military troopsnow learning English. That move not only deepens tensions between the United States and China, but also highlights why U.S. government officials view Huawei as a problematic company. Thanks to these efforts, Chinese universities are climbing global rankings, with Peking University and Tsinghua University among U.S. News and World Reports top 100 global universities in 2021. Now, its also increasing its influence in the instruments of international security governance as wellincluding around core concepts like sovereignty, the role of alliances, of democracy, freedom of navigationand in that set of international institutions that provide the regulatory undergirding of globalization. Established in Washington, D.C. in 2012 to promote Chinese language teaching and learning in the U.S., CIUS connects school districts interested in developing a Chinese language curriculum to appropriate CI and other resources, and provides professional development opportunities to Confucius Classroom teachers. The exact arrangements vary. Australias caution on Taiwan may not last, To Rule the Waves: How Control of the Worlds Oceans Shapes the Fate of the Superpowers, Project on International Order and Strategy. the European Union and African Union) that play major roles in the diplomacy of global order and organization. Chinese smart cities provide another example of Chinas ability to derive something innovative from pre-existing technologies. "For this reason, I have been convening meetings between the . To be sure, some private U.S. NGOs offer Mandarin learning, including an Asia Society program with 35,000 students studying Chinese in 100 K-12 schools around the country that are linked with sister schools in China. However, despite successes in fintech and smart cities, China continues to struggle to innovate in key areas, particularly advanced computer chips and the expensive machines that make them. How does current U.S. policy respond to Chinese influence and strategy in the region? Regardless of the skepticism that it could do so, China has demonstrated its capacity to innovate and compete technologically on a global scale. Germanys China dilemma takes on a new urgency, Chinas shrinking population and constraints on its future power, April 2023 update to TIGER: A perilous moment rife with risks, USMCA Forward 2023 Chapter 2: Imports from Asia, Power play: How the US benefits if China greens the Global South, The United States, China, and the new non-aligned countries, China and India: The future of the global consumer market. U.S.-China relationship is undergoing a transition toward intensifying rivalry even as it remains highly interdependent across a range of domains. These technologies include heavy-duty gas turbines, high-pressure piston pumps, steel for high-end bearings, photolithography machines, core industrial software, and more. To be sure, Beijings reliance on imported technologies goes well beyond foreign-designed semiconductors. Brookings is now launching Phase 2 of the Global China Project which builds upon the research and analysis of the first phase, and shifts toward prescription, focusing on advancing recommendations on how the United States should respond to Chinas actions that implicate key American interests and values. CLEC will continue to help provide Mandarin teachers and requested teaching materials. Our group will focus on strengthening U.S. responses to the Taiwan security challenge in particular. Elsewhere, CIs continued to open in Chile, South Africa, Kenya and Greece, with plans to establish them in Dominica, Maldives, Chad and Central Africa. Second, the group will focus on Americas policy choices in response to Chinas economic investments and security relationships in these regions: what is current U.S. policy, what is America doing right, and where can it improve? A list of specific, actionable foreign policy ideas for the next president, enforce a foreign gift reporting requirement, initiated by 27 Chinese universities, companies and social organizations, effectively controlled by the Chinese government that funds it. Similarly, biotech giant BGI has managed to dominate the genetic sequencing industry via private investment and government subsidies and support. Keeping in mind that India is not a U.S. ally, how should Washington see and respond to China-India contingencies such as an escalation in their border crisis, or the question of the Dalai Lamas successor? Hanban contributed start-up funds to, and shared operating costs with, the U.S. partner institution, which also supplied classrooms and administrative support. At stake are core democratic values that underpin free and open societies. Through its Belt and Road Initiative, China has established influence across the following three regions: South Asia, the Middle East, and Africa. In the strategic competition with China, U.S. alliances and partnerships in Europe and the Indo-Pacific play an important role in enhancing American power. Assets and funding. The federal government and Congress should work to protect our national security in a manner that does not impinge on the academic freedom or institutional autonomy they also seek to protect. But in terms of issues that could grow directly out of the U.S.-China relationship, and that both sides take seriously enough to make the prospect of high-end warfare credible, the Taiwan issue stands out. In addition, some universities still have difficulty finding qualified Mandarin teachers, especially at the K-12 level, to satisfy remaining demand. As Beijing has grown more powerful over the last several years, it has grown more effective in influencing the debate in America about China, often in subtle ways. The company is effectively an arm of the Chinese government, Arkansas Senator Tom Cotton said in February, and its more than capable of stealing information from U.S. officials by hacking its devices. (Huawei has long denied those allegations. Given this reorganization and CIUSs role, the State Department might revisit its foreign mission designation. Its defense spending, even if still only a third of Americas, is triple that of any other country. For U.S. policymakers, understanding the end-state of Chinas technology transfer system is critical to crafting effective policy. Confrontation, competition, and cooperation between the U.S. and China will affect the environment for global economic growth, especially growth and poverty reduction in the developing world in the decades to come. GGFs provide a number of benefits, including by helping Chinese policymakers leverage market discipline and expertise and by offering long-term, stable investment capital to startups, helping them to cross the valley of death, the stage between discovery and commercialization. The management scholar Nir Kshetri attributes this success to a handful of factors, including a high degree of technological savvy among Chinese consumers, a fintech-friendly regulatory environment, and Chinas improving science and technology prowess. Now, Chinese smart cities make use of an integrated system of physical, information, social, and commercial infrastructure to allow a given city to monitor its citizens and report back through a vast connected network. In essence, Chinese technological innovation is a system of re-innovation, or zaichuangxin; it does not mirror other global paradigms. Online. Finally, Europe wields power globally by enhancing the role of the European Union, which is powerful on international economic issues while remaining weak as a security actor (although the massive and unprovoked Russian military assault against Ukraine in February 2022 stimulated calls for much greater European efforts on defense). By then, the U.S. government had mostly blocked Huawei from the U.S. market, and in a damning October 2012 report, the U.S. House Intelligence Committee called the company a national security threat amidst allegations it had stolen sensitive information from American companies. Passed in August 2018, the 2019 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) prohibited the Pentagon from financing Chinese language programs at universities that host a CI, absent Department of Defense waivers, which have not been granted. Our group seeks to explore the following questions: Our broader work will include research on the strategic and military significance of Chinese incorporation of Taiwan into its territory as well as work on integrated deterrence and on forecasting war outcomes over Taiwan. "We have to wake this country up to what China is doing," Sen. Mark Warner, Va.-D, said at the Brookings Institution last month. These dynamics make the modern U.S.-China relationship unique in the international system. This rebranding is unlikely to relieve suspicions about the role of CIs in Chinas soft power projection. This working group will seek to address the following questions: What policy actions or strategy can and should the U.S. take to position itself as the partner of choice as China increases its activities in South Asia, the Middle East, and Africa? This number includes at least seven CIs that are scheduled to close in 2021. Nonetheless, at least one U.S. university, Georgias Wesleyan College, signed on with CIEF for the duration of its current CI agreement, although others in the U.S. and Europe are proceeding with announced closures. What are Americas most fundamental interests in its relationship with China and what are desirable but secondary interests with China? How can democratic governments engage strategically in AI standards setting processes without turning them into a locus of geopolitical competition?
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