Boris Johnson: (35:00) And that is the symmetry in the lesson of the COVID vaccine. Boris Johnson: (23:41) Boris Johnson: (39:04) Or in the machinery, the facilities they need do their jobs. Boris Johnson has told the country "this is it folks" in his final speech as prime minister - but hinted at a comeback to frontline politics. And in the context of this giant free trade zone that were jointly creating the stimulus of regulatory competition will I think benefit us both. I read a learned article by some lawyer saying we shouldnt bother about pet theft. Find out about the Energy Bills Support Scheme, Prime Minister's Office, 10 Downing Street, Prime Minister Liz Truss's statement in Downing Street: 20 October 2022, Liz Truss's final speech as Prime Minister: 25 October 2022, Prime Minister Boris Johnson's statement in Downing Street: 7 July 2022, Prime Minister Liz Trusss statement: 6 September 2022, My five-point economic action plan for the G20. With the UKs share of fish in our waters rising substantially, from roughly half today to closer to 2/3 in five and a half years time after which there is no theoretical limit beyond those placed by science or conservation on the quantity of our own fish that we can fish in our waters. Discover why Rev is the #1 speech-to-text service in the world. Boris Johnson: (08:19) Thank you. Good morning. And I rejected that approach precisely because beating Covid is our number one national priority and I wanted to end any extra uncertainty and to give this country the best possible chance of bouncing back strongly next year. And at the same time in this country, weve been pushing forward a vast program of investment in infrastructure and skills and technology the biggest in a century. But which they were told was impossible. Boris Johnson: (20:58) Boris Johnson: (23:32) 7%. And we need to remember how and why weve been able to back people through this pandemic at all. And to you, the British public, I know that there will be many people who are relieved and perhaps quite a few who will also be disappointed. Dont include personal or financial information like your National Insurance number or credit card details. Since Gray eulogized, Buckinghamshire has leveled up to be among the most productive regions in the whole of Europe. If you want proof of what I mean by unleashing potential and by leveling up, look at Brampton Manor. Correct. We spent 407 billion pounds on COVID support and our debt now stands at over 2 trillion pounds. Boris Johnson's speech in full: 'first, careful steps' to ease Covid-19 lockdown This article is more than 2 years old Read the full text of the UK prime minister's address to the nation on . And now were going to go further, not only jettisoning EU rules we dont need anymore, but using new freedoms to improve the way we regulate in the great growth areas of the 21st century, as we fulfill our ambition of becoming a science superpower. Add English on-screen subtitles for videos. Very few countries could have pulled off the Kabul airlift, an astonishing feat by our brave Armed Forces. Her single bar electric fire, Tupperware-using refusal to be grand, and unlike us politicians with our outriders and our armour-plated convoys. It is good to be back. I have traveled to every part of the United Kingdom and, in addition to the beauty of our natural world, I have found so many people possessed of such boundless British originality and so willing to tackle old problems in new ways that I know that even if things can sometimes seem dark now, our future together is golden. So let me come now to the punchline of my sermon on the vaccine. I have to tell you, I dont think that is a good preparation for life, let alone for the Olympic games. Boris Johnson: (13:03) And it is right that this party that has looked after the NHS for most of its history should be the one to rise to the challenge. And those unicorns are now dispersed around the United Kingdom in a way that is new to our country. Last modified on Tue 23 Nov 2021 09.49 EST. ", She also offered an insight into the private audiences each prime minister has with the monarch. That is not just a question of social justice, it is an appalling waste of potential. Boris Johnson: (09:52) And its a betrayal of our childrens education. And to deliver that change, we will get on with our job of uniting and leveling up across the UK, the greatest project that any government can embark on. Its all about opportunity. Correct. And I know there has been a certain raucus caucus from the anti-AUKUS caucus, but AUKUS is simply a recognition of the reality that the world is tilting on its axis, on its economic axis. Prime Minister Boris Johnson of Britain announced on Thursday that he would step down. We will restore those sinews of the union that have been allowed to atrophy: The A1 north of Berwick and on into Scotland, the A75 in Scotland that is so vital for the links with Northern Ireland and the rest of the country, the North Wales corridor. Were planting tens of millions of trees. And of course, Im immensely proud of the achievements of this government, from getting Brexit done to settling our relations with the continent for over half a century, reclaiming the power for this country to make its own laws in Parliament, getting us all through the pandemic, delivering the fastest vaccine rollout in Europe, the fastest exit from lockdown, and in the last few months, leading the West in standing up to Putins aggression in Ukraine. Youve been paying attention [inaudible 00:23:34] this. And that is the symmetry represented by these giant windmills, massive and innovative private sector investment, and a government taking the tough decisions to make it possible. "She very sweetly asked me how I was, being clearly sympathetic about what had happened. Boris Johnson: (41:22) Good afternoon, everybody. The way all that emerges organically from a vast inherited conglomerate of culture and tradition. Ill tell you what leveling up is. It is customary for the British Prime Minister to come to this United Nations and pledge to advance our values and defend our rules, the rules of a peaceful world. Above all, were investing in our skills. Boris Johnson: (33:56) Im really proud to be part of a Conservative government that will welcome 20,000 Afghans, people who risked their lives to guide and translate for us. the roll-out of gigabit broadband up over the last three years, since you were kind enough to elect me, up from 7 per cent of our countrys premises having gigabit broadband to 70 per cent today. And wasnt he brilliant, my friends? Why dont the Tories want to help genuine asylum seekers. And I am utterly confident that we can and will do it. Extend your content reach and maximize your engagement rates. But this treaty explicitly envisages that such action should only happen infrequently and the concepts of uniformity and harmonisation are banished in favour of mutual respect and mutual recognition and free trade and for squaring that circle, for finding the philosophers stone thats enabled us to do this I want to thank President von der Leyen of the European Commission and our brilliant negotiators led by Lord Frost and Michel Barnier, on the EU side Stephanie Rousseau as well as Oliver Lewis, Tim Barrow, Lindsay Appleby and many others their work will be available for scrutiny, followed by a parliamentary vote I hope on Dec 30. The Crown endures. UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson gave a speech at the Conservative Party Annual Conference in Manchester on October 6, 2021. Delivered on: 23 March . And thats why we must keep leveling up, keep unleashing the potential in every part of the United Kingdom. And we knew that some people would still be anxious, so we sent top government representatives to our sweatiest [French 00:01:20] to show that anyone could dance perfectly safely. Because of the speed and urgency of what you did, everybody involved in this government, to get this economy moving again from July last year in spite of all the opposition, all the naysayers, we have and will continue to have that economic strength to give people the . When COVID broke, the 100,000 beds in the NHS and 30,000 occupied by people who could have been cared for elsewhere, whether at home or in residential care. ", Sir Iain added: "May God bless her and keep her, and hold her in our hands, and may we bless the Royal family. An answer that is straight from the powder rooms of North London dinner parties and nothing to do with the real needs of this country. Boris Johnson resigned from office, ending a nearly three-year premiership marred by controversy and scandal. Being prime minister is an education in itself. Look at this country from the air, go on Google Maps. We will be able to cherish our landscape and our environment in the way we choose. It is four and a half years since the British people voted to take back control of their money, their borders, their laws, and their waters and to leave the European Union. Lets hear it. How utterly astonishing that in the last few weeks, Labour should actually have voted against the funding were putting forward for the NHS. Harriet Harman, the former acting Labour leader, described the days after she was once sacked as a Cabinet minister. Good morning, everyone. Boris Johnson: (18:40) The great ambition of the human race, that the left always privately share but publicly disparage. And there will be no non-tariff barriers to trade. I just shrugged and said, 'Well, maam, nobody died and Im still here,' whereupon she roared with laughter. They vaccinated so rapidly that we were able to do those crucial groups one to four, the oldest and most vulnerable, faster than any other major economy in the world. Thank you. But they like it for the way it emerges organically. must see people back in the office and that is why and that is why we are building back better. As a subscriber, you have 10 gift articles to give each month. And above all it means certainty for business from financial services to our world-leading manufacturers our car industry certainty for those working in high skilled jobs in firms and factories across the whole country. And Ive today appointed a Cabinet to serve, as I will, until a new leader is in place. Industry-leading accurate legal transcription to ensure you dont miss a statement. We repaired the damage that Labour left behind. The Prime Minister also praised the Kings "sense of duty and service" and said Britons "owe him our loyalty and devotion".
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