It is also said that a good landing is one you can walk away from. Here is your convenient solution to this problem! Which reverse polarity protection is better and why? Things that work at low altitude don't work so well up high and the plane ends up going up and down while slowly losing speed until it can't maintain altitude anymore. Upload or insert images from URL. In other words, your fuel tanks need to be placed symmetrically around the centre of mass so it doesn't shift as the tanks dry, and you need to get your vertical thrust vector exactly aligned with said centre of mass. Are there any canonical examples of the Prime Directive being broken that aren't shown on screen? Have fun with your S/VTOL craft and don't forget there are more ways to do them as well, including helicopter-like things that don't fly aerodynamically at all. Wings have been flown both with and without struts, Wheel friction was even decreased to 0.3 for front wheel and increased to 2.0 for rear wheels, as per a tip found online. Some more advanced tips you can use in the guide: In stock (no FAR) game to have a stable plane its also important to place control surfaces behind the wings, since their lift increases faster with AoA. and our I decided to look into that two intakes thing, and it turns out to make 11-12 m/s difference at 19,000m with my plane. I moved the wheels from the tail to the fuel fuselage, and now she takes off like a dream! From my experience using a panther it starts to lose speed after 15-16 kms, a more suitable cruising height is 9-13km. air) that high up. 19000m. Rockets are much less efficient than air-breathers, so it needs to be much bigger than a Kerbin-bound craft performing the same mission! We look at the principles behind designing a basic jet. The Kerbal Space Program subreddit. 2. If that all fails, you may try building your plane lighter and with mightier (or just more) engines, so it just doesn't have the time to start misbehaving on the runway before you bring it up in the air. Intakes are your friend when you use liquid fuel. I have made a couple VTOLs in the pastand had a lot of fun with both the engineering and flight challenges. Set the thrust limiter on your main engines to zero. Now right click each elevon and the tail fin and set what movement each controls; the ones on the large wings control roll only, the ones on the back wings control pitch only, and the tail fin controls yaw only. It's a flatbed freighter suitable for shuttling base modules to and from the surface. Also there it's important to place small landing gear after setting up CoL to CoM relation since it's mass is calculated in CoM in SPH/VAB but not counted in flight. (However, it must be noted that it is bad practice to use ailerons as elevators since it makes it hard to control the aircraft), The rudder moves the tip of the plane left and right; it is rarely used, since it is hard to put it both up and down due to the possibility of hitting the ground. as a rule of thumb they all lose thrust at higher altitudes and at high velocities. Thrust is determined partly by velocity. You can post now and register later. My first VTOL craft was the Bumblebee, and it's still one of my favourites! 2023 Take-Two Interactive Software, Inc. Your airspeed will also fall. All trademarks are property of their respective owners in the US and other countries. Your very own tutorial.). There are a few missions for which a VTOL aircraft is ideal. a craft that's designed to fly aerodynamically, using lift produced by lifting surfaces. Kerbin has some biomes that are difficult to reach any other way. Site design / logo 2023 Stack Exchange Inc; user contributions licensed under CC BY-SA. We still don't know what his craft even looks like yet For all we know it could be a single SRB with canards at the front. Because of that if you for example place control surfaces at the front you can make a plane that has CoL behind CoM (like in the picture) unstable because CoL will drift forward past CoM as AoA increases (contrary to your 4th point). Remembering the FW TA152 and the U2 I put long wings on it and while its turn rate makes an airliner look like a fighter plane it is stable enough at 19000m. Mach speed - 343 mps. 2023 Take-Two Interactive Software, Inc. Two MacBook Pro with same model number (A1286) but different year. I've never found them to be practical (at least on Kerbin) for anything except short flights around the KSC and flying to the island runway and back. 4. Flying planes will be much simpler, with much reduced cross-control issues. We look at the principles behind designing a basic jet. You want to start by attaching a Mk 0 Liquid Fuel Tank under the wings, making sure you're mirrored so it goes under both wings. Control your vector primarily with pitch, and your descent rate with throttle. If his problem is the plane doing backflips at a touch of 's', I wouldn't go with 'slightly'. You are simply running out of atmosphere (i.e. For more information, please see our Throttle up to full, activate SAS, stage to start the engine (you'll only have one stage here), and start rolling (or sliding) down the runway! In a twin-boom design, you have one hoverjet at the nose, and one in each of the booms. Drive gently off the runway and use the huge grassy field to take off, without care in the world about the plane veering to a side. You arent doing anything wrong. For all your gaming related, space exploration needs. Do you by chance know how much the thrust varies with these small velocity perturbations? Your main lift, though, should always be as closely centered on your CoM as you can manage. Paste as plain text instead, One of the most finicky problems with VTOL craft is managing centre of mass. You should have something called an "Elevon 1"; this will be the moving part for your wings. It's said that takeoffs are optional but landings are mandatory. In vanilla KSP, wings have a predefined lift factor. Why don't we use the 7805 for car phone chargers? I actually like canard layouts, but I'm going to endorse this post because it's a simple, easy way to do it. For more information, please see our Except for the parts regarding drag and number of intakes, everything else is still very valid. A VTOLaircraftas discussed here is a craft that's designed to fly aerodynamically, using lift produced by lifting surfaces, but take off and land vertically. Start with simplest, easiest planes you can and then increase complexity observing and mitigating problems as they arise. I've been playing around with aircraft over the past couple days, only to find that no matter how low I set the pitch authority, they tumble and crash at the slightest hold of the "S" key. Which was the first Sci-Fi story to predict obnoxious "robo calls"? So the ones that go straight up and down can only be straight up and down, no angling left, right, backwards or forwards such as when you place the little wheel on the angled body of the cockpit part. Just like with rockets, get some courageous Kerbal in the cockpit and let's get started! SAS sees this and turns the other way, which just causes the same problem in the other direction. The same applies to Laythe, although it has gentler topography. Your link has been automatically embedded. by fixing the suspension issues the need to sacrifice traction, and in turn, braking power, is not needed. The BAK Zephyr, a rocket-powered VTOL craft designed for conducting science missions on Duna. Nothing bad will happen. if you are making a plane that's going to be pulling stunts or making extreme maneuvers, a stabilizer is pretty important. Next question? Another pointer is to make your wings larger with the same amount of control surface. And there's the ever awesome 101 from @keptin. - but they were talking about having two intakes/engine. About the landing gear, the best way to stop the weird self steering issue is to increase the spring and damper strength. Flight records. All other versions are slower and lower and unstable in turns. When your airspeed is low enough that aerodynamic control is getting sluggish. In fact, nothing will happen at all, and that's probably bad, so put an air intake on your plane anyway. For the CoM / CoL relationship to get a stable-yet-maneuverable craft, I'd recommend doing the tweaks in two stages. To subscribe to this RSS feed, copy and paste this URL into your RSS reader. How do I build a good stable basic plane? You're one of the few I've read that recognized the potential of Junos in vtol vs the more popular panthers or using rotating clamp-o-tron assemblies- bigger engines have the huge design downside of shifting COM above fuselage longitudinal axis, which makes rocket placement difficult for SSTOs. My Hats off to Brikoleur, as a fellow VTOL/general spaceplane [stock] enthusiast, your tips were easy to read and right on the money! ps: use caps lock(fine control) to reduce the amount you're actually moving the control surfaces. Learn more about Stack Overflow the company, and our products. Also, excessive use of the rudder usually causes the plane to spin out of control and crash. You may need to change control authority to a negative value if they bend "the wrong way". If I'm running something with a long delta-wing layout, I'll then use canards and have the dynamic instability to allow for manouvering; if it's something without a lot of pitch inertia, I'll go tail stabilizer. By clicking Accept all cookies, you agree Stack Exchange can store cookies on your device and disclose information in accordance with our Cookie Policy. Go on, and take the plane capsule which looks like a converted fuel storage device. A Mk1 Cockpit, two Mk 1 Liquid Fuel Tanks, and then cap the back with a round nose cone (use the A/D keys to rotate it as necessary). - SF. Also: high proportion of lifting surfaces to non-lifting surfaces. Upload or insert images from URL. Unless you are using canards (not ideal for lots of reasons, IMHO), adding elevons will pull the CoL backwards since they also provide lift in their neutral position. The solution is to house the hoverjets in a cargo bay of some kind, with the doors opening downwards. This is always my strategy for building planes (although sometimes things go horribly wrong for a different reason.) The best answers are voted up and rise to the top, Not the answer you're looking for? 1) Before adding your pitch control surfaces, move the main wing to make sure that CoM is very very slightly in front of CoL, or exactly on the same spot (if you want more maneuverability). Some general pointers to make more stable aircraft, one is to set your COL just behind your COM, another is that your centre of drag should be as far back as possible - there's no way to visually show this as far as I know but a light but aerodynamically bulky rear to an aircraft generally makes it more stable. If you forget to put an air intake on your airplane, don't worry! This page was last edited on 17 December 2021, at 13:14. Your link has been automatically embedded. This item will only be visible to you, admins, and anyone marked as a creator. Haha I think Ive perfected an aestheticallyclean turbine jet VTOL USAF F-35b Lightning II2020 Clear editor. Adding more engines without adding intakes will make the problem worse. what do you mean by "wheels are mounted with angle snapping"? They both create a dihedral effect, tending to return you to level through a roll-sideslip interaction. Please see the. A V/STOL atmospheric craft built for Duna can drop you on any dime, anywhere on the surface. Body deformation can be caused by heavy parts, many parts connected together, or forces on the plane. In particular, there's one constraint that needs special attention: centre of mass, and the invariance thereof, as you burn fuel. also, you state that a stabilizer (you called it a tail) isn't necessary, and although that's true, it's worth noting that a stabilizer is vital in preventing, and recovering, from flat spins, which can be extremely dangerous. You know you don't have enough if you're getting engine flame-outs on take-off or, worse, landing. As with everything in KSP, experiment, experiment, experiment. Note: Your post will require moderator approval before it will be visible. there aren't any aerodynamics when you are a kraken scientist like me. You too!Like - Subscribe - Check out my other tutorials. Larger ones have additional wing-mounted pods. Intakes aren't something usually causing planes to fail, however need some thought. The Panther engine can hold 19,000 steady and oscillates around 20,000. How to keep an airplane stable on the runway in Kerbal Space Program? RCS will get the job done nicely, and looks cool to boot. OK, I have a really pedantic question here: Is it even possible to have a practical VTOL craft without using the unlimited fuel cheat? This tutorial was created primarily based on a Reddit post by the incredibly helpful u/AnArgonianSpellsword. Then: I hope you've found this short tutorial useful. I have not had much success usingonly horizontally oriented intakes - the engines do not have sufficient air flow to generate enough thrust to actually lift the craft. I haven't encountered oscillations like that in an airplane but I have encountered them aplenty in case of lightweight probes that have too strong control authority - too good RCS or reaction wheels, so I suspect the source here is the same. This makes one engine generate more thrust than the other, exacerbating the turn. that being said, one thing I noticed is that you said the whiplash is for SSTOs, this isn't true, it's used for high speed atmospheric flight, it doesn't have a closed cycle mode, so it can't be used to complete an orbital trajectory. The hoverjets are housed in the big wing-mounted pods. Similar to the fuel pump mods out there now. You don'thave touse their fuel capacity you might want to leave them dry if they're not symmetrical to the CoM. One challenge I've run into for myself with more elegant VTOL SSTOs is low-speed-hover controllability; beyond using brute-force RCS or SAS. The writing is a bit disjointed, because it's been edited and restructured a few times andI'm not a native english speaker. @italian man Great guide, and for people who would like to know the basics of plane building i will be pointing them here. The BAK Drakula. Imagine that first plane but with the bubble cockpit and the old style round intakes. It is usually placed back because it can be placed further back than it is possible in the front (if it is placed in the front, it can obstruct the view of the pilot, which is undesired) as well as making the plane unstable (by the same effect that you would get if the center of lift (horizontal lifting surfaces) were in front of the center of mass, but with vertical surfaces). The most helpful thing to do would probably be to make a craft and share it so things you're doing wrong can easily be pointed out for you to fix. Try not to make your first airplanes longer than 3 MK1 fuselages. 3. The BAK Karmilla. Stack Exchange network consists of 181 Q&A communities including Stack Overflow, the largest, most trusted online community for developers to learn, share their knowledge, and build their careers. She has a horrible turn rate and oscillates a couple of thousand meters at cruise, but it's flyable. Most of my planes I'm able to knock each of them down to 40% and still perform 7-8G maneuvers. For comparison the speed of a stable Low Kerbin Orbit at 70 km (outside the atmosphere . All you need to do is add landing gear (one right before the cockpit, and two on the tips or middle of the wings), and you're done! Intriguingly, there is one thing I've found that does prevent the wobble from starting, and that is to use a single engine mounted directly on the back of the fuselage, which prevents using a tail and is ultimately a fairly significant restriction to build around. Set up your control scheme: one action group for toggling the hover jets, another action group for toggling the main jets, plus yet another one to toggle the hover jet bays, if you're using them (as you should). front, then it automatically disbalances the weight moving the weight to the back. Also as others have pointed out, keeping the COM/COL/COT alignments proper is essential for aircraft. Light craft have a single engine at the rear of the fuselage. It only takes a minute to sign up. 2023 Take-Two Interactive Software, Inc. Good, strong control authority - instead of reducing the pitch control authority, make the plane aerodynamically stable, so that even if you do flip it, it will right itself. These should be in the bottom left next to the display of the cost of the aircraft. Additionally if you have any off-center fuel tanks, double check the fuel is drawn from both at the same rate (same priority). The fastest known plane demonstrated, in version 0.23, a top speed of about 2377 m/s relative to Kerbin's surface just short of Mach 7. Powered by Invision Community. Please consider starting a new thread rather than reviving this one. If you believe your item has been removed by mistake, please contact, This item is incompatible with Kerbal Space Program. Hi all so I accepted a contract to do temp scans on Kerbin and guessed a plane was the right way to do it so I made this. Yes, although they have only been flown with nearly full tanks. They'll still happen but you'll have more time to get off the ground. You might still be able to turn very quickly, but if you don't have enough wing you won't drag your velocity vector with you, which means you force your wings into a stall and bleed energy in a hurry (and can also lose control, depending). robert duvall westerns, ,
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